
this is my approach to bug bounty. i have inspired this from a lot of security researchers. i will update this repo incrementally

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


What you see here is an overview of how i approach reacon.


graph LR
A((Project setup)) --> B(recon-ng)
B --> C(isup)
C --> D(nMap)
C --> F(Sn1per)
B --> E(httpx)
E --> K(paramspider)
E --> G(Eyewitness)
B --> H(osmedeous)
B --> I(Heartbleed)
B --> J(takeover)

Project setup

Create Folders (subdomains, urls, ips,patterns,params,javascript). here is a good oneliner:

export projectname=[name]
mkdir ~/$projectname && cd ~/$projectname && mkdir subdomains urls ips patterns params javascripts downloads ffuf



install recon-ng. use it to search Passively for subdomains ips ports here are some of the commands you may need

workspaces create [workspace_name]

#insert domains
db insert domains

#insert company name
db insert companies

# if you have a narrow scope you can enter the hosts using this command
db insert hosts

# now load some modules and then run
modules load recon/domai.....

# save the list 
modules load reporting/list
# save ip addresses
options set FILENAME /root/$projectname/ips/ips.txt
# save domains
options set COLUMN host
options set FILENAME /root/$projectname/subdomains/subdomains.txt

now make sure you are in your working directory:

cd ~/$projectname

Check if ips are alive:

check if ips are alive using isup.

cd ~/isup && rm tmp -R &&./isup.sh ~/$projectname/ips/ips.txt && cp ~/isup/tmp/valid-ips.txt ~/$projectname/ips/valid-ips.txt

Validate subdomains:

validate domains using httpx:

cat ~/$projectname/subdomains/subdomains.txt | httpx -verbose > ~/$projectname/urls/urls.txt

Fuzzing for directories and files

always use ffuf 1.5 this will fuzz for files in the main directory

for URL in $(<~/$projectname/urls/urls.txt); do ( ffuf -u "${URL}/FUZZ" -w /root/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-files-lowercase.txt -ic -c -of csv -o ~/$projectname/ffuf/$(echo "files-${URL}" | sed 's/https:\/\///g ; s/http:\/\///g')); done

this will fuzz for directories:

for URL in $(<~/$projectname/urls/urls.txt); do ( ffuf -u "${URL}/FUZZ" -w /root/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-medium-directories-lowercase.txt -ic -c -recursion -recursion-depth 3 -of csv -o ~/$projectname/ffuf/$(echo "dir-${URL}" | sed 's/https:\/\///g ; s/http:\/\///g')); done

Use Nmap Aggressive Scan:

nmap -iL ~/$projectname/ips/valid-ips.txt -sSV -A -T4 -O -Pn -v -F -oA  ~/$projectname/"$projectname"_nmap_result

Sn1per - WebApp Mode:

sniper -f ~/$projectname/ips/ips.txt -m massweb -w $projectname && mkdir ~/$projectname/sniper && cp /usr/share/sniper/loot/workspace/$projectname ~/$projectname/sniper/ -R

then save the result and copy them to our working folder!

# complete this

Eyewitness to take Screenshots of all URLS

cd ~/$projectname/ && eyewitness -f ~/$projectname/urls/urls.txt
zip -r $projectname.zip foldername


to Hunt for URLS with Parameters automatically from wayback machine

cat ~/$projectname/urls/urls.txt | while IFS="" read -r p || [ -n "$p" ] 
	python3 ~/ParamSpider/paramspider.py --domain "$p" --exclude woff,png,svg,php,jpg --output ~/$projectname/params/$(echo $p | sed 's/https:\/\///g ; s/http:\/\///g').txt 
done && cat ~/$projectname/params/* > ~/$projectname/params/all.txt

Technique to Clean Params from XSS:

cp ~/$projectname/params/all.txt | sed 's/FUZZ/[whatever-you-like]/g' > ~/$projectname/params/all-changed.txt 


for scanning everything:

nuclei -l ~/$projectname/urls/urls.txt -o ~/$projectname/nucleai_all_result.txt

for cve only:

nuclei -l ~/$projectname/urls/urls.txt -t /root/nuclei-templates/cves/ -o ~/$projectname/nucleai-cve-result.txt


cat ~/$projectname/urls/urls.txt | jaeles scan -s 'cves' -s 'sensitive' -s 'fuzz' -s 'common' -s 'routines' report -o ~/$projectname/Jaeles-cve-result.txt --title "[$projectname] Jaeles Full Report"


~/ChopChop/gochopchop scan --url-file ~/$projectname/urls/urls.txt --threads 4 -e csv --export-filename ~/$projectname/chopchop-result.txt


# write this

get all urls

Gau - for realtime URL extraction when performing manual search so you can have urls to attack. Hunt for Links that have Parameters by using gau (Get all URLS) and displaying all links that have params:

# this might need some work
./gau --blacklist png,jpg,gif ~/$projectname/urls/urls.txt --o ~/$projectname/urls/urls-gau.txt --verbose

download all of the javascripts with JSScanner

first download everything:

~/JSScanner/script.sh  ~/$projectname/params/all.txt && cp  Jsscanner_results/ ~/$projectname/javascripts -r

download pdf,xls,docs files

cat ~/$projectname/urls/urls.txt | while IFS="" read -r p || [ -n "$p" ] 
	proxychains python3 ~/metagoofil/metagoofil.py -d $p -t pdf,doc,xls,ppt,docs,xls,pptx -e 30 -l 12 -o ~/$projectname/downloads/

Osmedeous, search for vulenerablities:

Select one of these actions directly run on vuln scan and directory scan on list of domains :

osmedeus scan -f vuln-and-dirb -t ~/$projectname/subdomains/subdomains.txt

scan list of targets :

osmedeus scan -T ~/$projectname/subdomains/subdomains.txt

get target from a stdin and start the scan with 2 concurrency :

cat ~/$projectname/subdomains/subdomains.txt | osmedeus scan -c 2

start a simple scan with default 'general' flow :

osmedeus scan -t sample.com

then save the result and copy them to our working folder!

# complete this

Check for Heartbleed:

cat ~/$projectname/subdomains/subdomains.txt | while read line ; do echo "QUIT" | openssl s_client -connect $line:443 2>&1 | grep 'server extension "heartbeat" (id=15)' || echo $line: safe; done

Takeover Tool:

takeover -l ~/$projectname/subdomains/subdomains.txt -v -t 10

Use Smuggler

on URLs list to test for http requests that could desync, and posting multiple chunked requests to smuggle external sources so the backend server will forward the request with cookies, data to the front end server

cat ~/$projectname/urls/urls.txt | python3 ~/smuggler/smuggler.py -l ~/$projectname/smuggler-result.txt

Find XSS Vulnerabilities from Paramspider & Dalfox New!

Since we have params urls from paramspider, dalfox needs to know where to inject, and you can define it with XSS instead of FUZZ, so here is a command to replace this from the result, and create a new list to be used on dalfox.

cat ~/$projectname/params/all.txt | sed 's/FUZZ/XSS/g' > ~/$projectname/all-dalfox-ready.txt

You are now ready for parsing the urls into dalfox in pipe mode:

cat ~/$projectname/all-dalfox-ready.txt | dalfox pipe | cut -d " " -f 2 > ~/$projectname/dalfox-all-result.txt
dalfox file ~/$projectname/all-dalfox-ready.txt | cut -d " " -f 2 > ~/$projectname/dalfox-all-result.txt

For Deeper Attacks add this: --deep-domxss

Silence --silence Prints only PoC When found and progress

After recon

Scanning Javascript Files for Endpoints, Secrets, Hardcoded credentials, IDOR, Open redirect and more Paste URLS into alive.txt. Run script alive.txt - Examine the results using GF advanced patterns

Use tree command, cat into subdirectories:

cat * */*.txt
cat */*.js | gf api-keys	
cat /*/*.txt | gf ssrf > /root/Desktop/ssrf.txt

Or New Method with GitLeaks: New!

Scan a Directory with Javascripts, Files, Json Etc.. for Secrets!

gitleaks --path=/directory -v --no-git

Scan a File with Any Extension for Secrets!

gitleaks --path=/file.xxx -v --no-git

After Recon: New!

When you find Keys/Tokens - Check from here: https://github.com/streaak/keyhacks

Examine the Results Manually

B) Pattern Check Example for Results with gf & gf-patterns:

After you have the Parameters Gathered, we want to check for specific patterns and possible vulnerable URLs that can be attacked using Meg or other Fuzzing Tools.

cat /root/Desktop/Bounty/params.txt | gf xss | sed 's/FUZZ/ /g' >> /root/Desktop/Bounty/xss_params_forMeg.txt

OSINT & Passive Amplified Attacks: (Raspberry Pi)


Perform OSINT using spiderfoot

One off 1337 Powerful Command Attacks with amass:

gotty -p 1337 -w recon-ng 


Here are some of the tools that we use when we perform Live Recon Passive ONLY on Twitch:

  1. Recon-ng https://github.com/lanmaster53/recon-ng
  2. httpx https://github.com/projectdiscovery/httpx
  3. isup.sh https://github.com/gitnepal/isup
  4. Arjun https://github.com/s0md3v/Arjun
  5. jSQL https://github.com/ron190/jsql-injection
  6. Smuggler https://github.com/defparam/smuggler
  7. Sn1per https://github.com/1N3/Sn1per
  8. Spiderfoot https://github.com/smicallef/spiderfoot
  9. Nuclei https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei
  10. Jaeles https://github.com/jaeles-project/jaeles
  11. ChopChop https://github.com/michelin/ChopChop
  12. Inception https://github.com/proabiral/inception
  13. Eyewitness https://github.com/FortyNorthSecurity/EyeWitness
  14. Meg https://github.com/tomnomnom/meg
  15. Gau - Get All Urls https://github.com/lc/gau
  16. Snallygaster https://github.com/hannob/snallygaster
  17. NMAP https://github.com/nmap/nmap
  18. Waybackurls https://github.com/tomnomnom/waybackurls
  19. Gotty https://github.com/yudai/gotty
  20. GF https://github.com/tomnomnom/gf
  21. GF Patterns https://github.com/1ndianl33t/Gf-Patterns
  22. Paramspider https://github.com/devanshbatham/ParamSpider
  23. XSSER https://github.com/epsylon/xsser
  24. UPDOG https://github.com/sc0tfree/updog
  25. JSScanner https://github.com/dark-warlord14/JSScanner
  26. Takeover https://github.com/m4ll0k/takeover
  27. Keyhacks https://github.com/streaak/keyhacks
  28. S3 Bucket AIO Pwn https://github.com/blackhatethicalhacking/s3-buckets-aio-pwn
  29. BHEH Sub Pwner Recon https://github.com/blackhatethicalhacking/bheh-sub-pwner
  30. GitLeaks https://github.com/zricethezav/gitleaks
  31. Domain-2IP-Converter https://github.com/blackhatethicalhacking/Domain2IP-Converter
  32. Dalfox https://github.com/hahwul/dalfox
  33. Log4j Scanner https://github.com/Black-Hat-Ethical-Hacking/log4j-scan
  34. Osmedeus https://github.com/j3ssie/osmedeus
  35. getJS https://github.com/003random/getJS
  36. MetaGoofil https://github.com/opsdisk/metagoofil