
src/main/java/com/team21/attractionsGuide/controller - deal with requests and respond JSON bodies.

src/main/java/com/team21/attractionsGuide/entity - models related to database and http response struct

src/main/java/com/team21/attractionsGuide/error - customized error

src/main/java/com/team21/attractionsGuide/repository - interfaces. repository layer

src/main/java/com/team21/attractionsGuide/service - connection between repository and controller. They also process external APIs.

src/main/resources - configurations

src/test - Unit test

docs/index.html - Class documentation index

Start project

Change configuration

Local development configuration: src/main/resources/config/application-dev.yml

Production configuration: src/main/resources/config/application-pro.yml

To start in your own environment, change the database configuration.

deployment: Click this link to see the deployment


mvn -N io.takari:maven:wrapper
mvn spring-boot:run