
Welcome to the world of Sudoku! This repository houses a meticulously crafted Sudoku game implemented in JavaScript, offering users an immersive experience to play and solve the classic number puzzle. The game is designed with a blend of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, providing a seamless and intuitive interface for Sudoku enthusiasts!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Live Link:

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Sudoku Game

What is Sudoku? Sudoku is a classic puzzle game that involves filling a 9x9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3x3 subgrids that compose the grid (also called "boxes", "blocks", or "regions") contain all of the digits from 1 to 9.


Google font: https://fonts.google.com/

Boxicons: https://boxicons.com/

Images: https://unsplash.com/


Start Screen

"This is the Main-Screen"

Game Screen

"This is the Game-Screen"

Sudoku Solver

"This is the Sudoku-Solver-Screen"


1.Player Name: Add your name before starting the game. Your name will be displayed throughout the game.

2.Difficulty Levels: Choose from different difficulty levels - Easy, Medium, Hard, Very Hard, Insane, and Inhuman.

3.New Game: Click on the "New Game" button to generate a new Sudoku puzzle for you to play.

4.Player Info: Your name and the selected difficulty level will be prominently displayed beside the game board.

5.Timer Functionality: Track your solving time with a built-in timer.

6.Pause and Resume: Pause and resume the game at your convenience by clicking on the pause button on the extreme right side of the timer.

7.Number Selection: Choose numbers from 1 to 9 to fill in the cells of the Sudoku board.

8.Game Completion: Upon completing the game, your total time will be displayed along with an option to start a new game.

9.Game Persistence: If you accidentally reload or close the app, the game will remember your last played session. The home page will display a "Continue" button to resume your previous game.

10.Dark Mode: Implemented a dark mode feature accessible through the navigation bar.

11.Sudoku Solver: Implemented a sudoku solver where a user clicks on get puzzle, some numbers added in the board and when user click on Solve Puzzle the unoccupied space gets filled with right numbers. Used BackTraking to solve the sudoku puzzle.

How to Play

1.Enter your name.

2.Choose a difficulty level.

3.Click "New Game" to generate a Sudoku puzzle.

4.Fill in the cells with numbers from 1 to 9.

5.Use the pause button to pause and resume the game.

6.After completing the game, view your total time and start a new game if desired.

7.If you close the app, use the "Continue" button on the home page to pick up where you left off.

Enjoy playing Sudoku! If you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to contribute.