

  • Files and folder structures are added into .gitignore based on document

Tomcat, JBoss or Glassfish

  • The main difference between these servers is explained here in doc

Branch : JSP Fundamentals

  • How to include pages into JSP

Branch: readHTMLFormDataWithJSP

  • Building forms using HTML
  • Reading Form Data with JSP
  • Building drop-down list
  • Read data from drop-down list
  • Building radio form list
  • Read data from radio form
  • Building check-box form
  • Read data from check-box

Branch: State Management with JSP

  • Session Tracking with JSP
  • Session object always kept in Tomcat's memory
  • More session object information here

Branch: JSP Tags

  • JSTL tags
  • Custom tags
  • Every page that uses tags should include the link to uri even for an include page
  • Core tags
    • for-each
    • if
      • else (test = "not ${}")
    • choose
      • when
      • otherwise

Branch: Function Tags

  • length
  • lowercase
  • upperCase
  • endsWith
  • split
  • join

Branch: i18n

  • i18n - designing the application for various languages without changing the source code
  • locale = language + region
    • en_US = English(US)
    • en_GB = English(UK)
    • zh_CN = Chinese(Simplified)
  • Another way to look at the differences is
    • Change in date format
    • Change in currencies
  • Functions
    • Setting Locale
    • Messaging
    • Number and Date Formatting
  • Steps
    • Create a resource file with language_REGION suffix
    • Create JSP pages with labels
    • Setting locale based on user selection
  • i18n and L10N are bit easier using spring mvc I guess. And probably by using Google API translate. Haven't tried it yet. link


  • Basic annotations for naming and urlpatterns for servlets
  • Difference between get and post methods
  • Difference between servlet and jsp
    • Use both
    • servlets - business logic
    • jsp - presentation
    • motivation to MVC
  • How to send data from jsp-servlet, servlet-jsp, servlet-servlet and jsp-jsp
  • can access a object's instance variable by directly accessing them at the jsp using . operator. No need of getObject()

Reading servlet parameters from web.xml

  • Write information about servlet parameters in web.xml
  • Use getServletContext() helper class to read and parse the information in web.xml
  • Use getInitParameters to read its values
  • Note: This method has a scope to all the servlets in the applications, not specific to any servlet

Git flow

  • Following gitflow workflow from this article

Issues faced in this project

  • How to add external jar files to the project
    • Just copy-paste the .jar under the libs folder, right click on it and select 'Add as library' option from the list. It will do the rest.
  • Auto-format in intelliJ for jsp files is all out of sync and not pretty
    • Solved through this
  • How to write comments in properties file
    • Using # single comments. Link
  • How to view quick inline documentation
    • Using Ctrl + Q and mouse hover link
  • Be careful in naming the properties file name. Any small typo in the name of the file will cause the application not able to read the information
    • For instance: {mylabels._de_DE.properties => mylabels_de_DE.properties}
  • Unable to display native font from foreign languages correctly. Possible character-encoding issue
  • How to merge two repos?
  • How to manually add dependencies or setting up tomcat to a blank project in IntelliJ
  • What's an artifact?
  • How to print values from an enumeration?
  • How to provide servlet specific init param in the web.xml?
  • How to missing java-docs?
    • Better to use maven or gradle
  • Redeploy the app when new class is added?


  • Architecture overview for Java EE 8 applications here
  • What is a session? Types of sessions? Read this blog

Thanks and Credits

  • I have learned these tutorials from Udemy by Chad Darby. Please learn more in-depth tutorials from Chad Darby.