sap-hana-ha-pacemaker Ansible Lint Ansible Galaxy Import

This role configures pacemaker for an existing SAP HANA System Replication deployment on a 8.x systems.


This role is intended to use on RHEL systems where SAP HANA has been deployed and HANA System Replication is configured between the 2 RHEL Nodes. The following Ansible Roles can be used to get to this desired state:

It needs access to the software repositories required to deploy RHEL High Availability (see also: Automated SAP HANA System Replication in Scale-Up in pacemaker cluster)

You can use the redhat_sap.sap_rhsm Galaxy Role to automate this process

Role variables

variable info required?
sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_hana_sid SAP HANA System ID yes
sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_hana_instance_number Instance Number yes, it must be declared as a string e.g. "00"
sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_secondary_read Configure HANA second Node as Active/Read-Enabled no (default false)
sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_vip Virtual IP used for the HANA clustered service yes
sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_secondary_vip Virtual IP used for the HANA clustered service when second Node is configured as Active/Read-Enabled only if sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_secondary_read 'true'
sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_configure_firewall Wheter to configure firewall rules for RHEL HA no (default false)
sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_hacluster_password Password to be set up for 'hacluster' uset yes
sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_cluster_name Name to be given to the RHEL HA Cluster no (default 'hana_cluster')
sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_node1_fqdn Fully qualified domain name for FIRST node of the cluster used for heartbeat traffic yes
sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_node2_fqdn Fully qualified domain name for SECOND node of the cluster used for heartbeat traffic yes
sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_node1_ip IP if the FIRST node of the cluster used for heartbeat traffic yes
sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_node2_ip IP if the SECOND node of the cluster used for heartbeat traffic yes
sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_stickiness Wheter to configure resource-stickiness no (default false)
sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_threshold Wheter to configure migration-threshold no (default false)
sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_use_e4s Whether to use 'e4s' repositories or not no (default true)

Example Playbook

    - hosts: hana
        - { role: redhat_sap.sap_hana_ha_pacemaker }

Example Inventory

# cat <inventory_dir>/group_vars/hana.yml
## Variables required for 'sap_hana_ha_pacemaker' role
sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_hana_sid: RH1
sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_hana_instance_number: "00"
sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_hacluster_password: "Mysecretpassword"
sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_node1_fqdn: hana-node1.test.local
sap_hana_ha_pacemaker_node2_fqdn: hana-node2.test.local

## License

Apache License 2.0

## Author Information

Red Hat SAP Community of Practice