##Create tsconfig.json
##Create package config
npm init
##Install packages
npm i express --save npm i body-parser --save npm i method-override --save npm i errorhandler --save npm i mongoose --save npm i lodash --save
ejs jade
##Create tsd
tsd init
tsd install serve-static --save tsd install express --save tsd install body-parser --save tsd install errorhandler --save tsd install method-override --save
tsd install lodash --save tsd install mongoose --save
##Hello world server
hello.server.ts It servers only plain text, if we want json we need to convert manually To minimize manual coding we’ll install Express.
##Start the server
npm start
###endpoints http://localhost:7000
All Products http://localhost:7000/product
Products with the name yoga http://localhost:7000/product/yoga
Product with the caregory call hybrid http://localhost:7000/product/category/hybrid
##Implementing Socket.io with RxJs npm i socket.oi --save npm i rxjs --save
tsd install socket.io --save