
Use Vagrant and VirtualBox to set up multiple VMs on a private network: one Apache WebExampleBox with a form on a web page and one MySQL DBExampleBox that receives and stores this form data.

Primary LanguagePHP


Use Vagrant and VirtualBox to set up multiple VMs on a private network: one Apache WebExampleBox with a form on a web page and one MySQL DBExampleBox that receives and stores this form data.

Edited by Jessica Rankins on 4/19/2017


  • Make sure you have a VagrantMultiAdditionalFiles folder in this directory that contains the form web page
  • vagrant up to create both WebExampleBox (apache) and DBExampleBox (mysql)
  • Should see WebExampleBox's web page in browser at
  • Can vagrant ssh into either VM DBExampleBox default username = root, password = rootpass for mysql


  • Use Vagrant and VirtualBox to configure multiple VMs in a single Vagrantfile.
  • Demonstrate Infrastructure as code principles (script configures and provisions environments to ensure environment parity).
  • Be able to provision VMs with a script.
  • Networking:
    • Forwarded ports to host from WebExampleBox: 80 to 8080 for apache webserver demonstration
    • Private network between boxes
  • WebExampleBox: Apache web server with form
  • DBExampleBox: MySQL DB holding submitted data from web server form


  • vagrant up to create/start ALL BOXES corresponding to the Vagrantfile in the current directory
  • vagrant up BOXNAME to create/start the box corresponding to that BOXNAME in the Vagrantfile in the current directory
  • vagrant reload [--provision] reload ALL BOXES to include new Vagrantfile commands [and reload provisions]
  • vagrant reload [--provision] BOXNAME reload BOXNAME to include new Vagrantfile commands [and reload provisions]
  • vagrant destroy shut down and deallocate resources corresponding to ALL BOXES
  • vagrant destroy BOXNAME shut down and deallocate resources corresponding to BOXNAME
  • vagrant ssh BOXNAME start ssh session into box corresponding to BOXNAME (end by typing "logout"), Uses Git, private key provided by Vagrant


  • mysql -u username -p to connect to MySQL server (default username = root, password = rootpass)
  • SHOW DATABASES; to list available databases
  • USE databasename; to change databases
  • CREATE DATABASE databasename; to create database
  • DROP DATABASE databasename; to delete database
  • SHOW tables; to see available database tables
  • DESCRIBE tablename; to see overview of table (field, type, etc)
  • CREATE TABLE tablename (id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, column1 TYPE, column2 TYPE,..., columnN TYPE); to create a table in the current database - columnJ is the label of the column - TYPE can be things like: VARCHAR(maxnumofchars), CHAR(1), DATE
  • INSERT INTO 'tablename' ('id','column1val',...,'columnNval'); to insert a row of info in the current database
  • SELECT * FROM tablename; to see the info in this table
  • DELETE from tablename where columnname=fieldtext; to delete a row in this table where the column has this value


  • "name" in "config.vm.define 'name' do |n|" is the same as the "config" variable.
  • Commands placed inside the "config.vm.define 'name' do |n|" are applied only to the defined machine (name).
  • Commands placed outside this command are done to all machines.
  • Commands are executed outside-in, in the order listed in the Vagrantfile.


  • If multiple VMs are created and one tries to connect to a port that another VM is connected to, Vagrant automatically reassigns a new port to the one not connected yet.