For the latest updates and detailed information on how to interact with the NaviSDK contract, please refer to the Navi Protocol Developer Docs.
The NaviSDK Client provides a set of tools for interacting with Sui blockchain networks, specifically designed for handling transactions, accounts, and smart contracts in a streamlined and efficient manner. This documentation covers the setup, account management, and transaction handling within the NaviSDK ecosystem.
Before you can use the NaviSDK Client, you need to set up your project environment.
npm i navi-sdk
When you initialize client, you will need a mnemonic phrase or we will generate a new one for you.
1 mnemonic for 1 client
We will never save user's mnemonic phrase
const mnemonic = ''; // Use an existing mnemonic or leave empty to generate a new one
const client = new NAVISDKClient({mnemonic, networkType: "mainnet", numberOfAccounts: 5});
//networkType: supports mainnet|testnet|devnet
//wordLength: if you want generate a new mnemonic, you may specify the words length
//numberOfAccounts - How many accounts you want to derive from the mnemonic
const account = client.accounts[0];
const account1 = client.accounts[1];
//Sample Return
index:0, address: 0xa814b8c01b111f5e440e5d4785925a033961915c2f44d22ca71619ac73534ee7
index:1, address: 0xd8be370139dd297924e31f6a507ba3a1d5f52f98f04f144bb75100d179698f84
index:2, address: 0xca29dbf32047fba966fa5aca7e378ba11171b3817f53ad324489a138288cc02d
account1.createAccountCap() //Account1 will create an Account Cap
account1.getPublicKey() //or
We have prepared a token type for Sui/NAVX/vSui/USDT/USDC/WETH/CETUS/haSui
import {Sui, NAVX, vSui, USDT, USDC, WETH, CETUS, haSui} from 'navi-sdk/dist/address';
account.getAllCoins() //Return all Objects that account has
//Get all objs for this type of token
account.getCoins(coinType = "0x2::sui::SUI")
//Or you may import token address from address
account.getCoins(coinType = Sui)
account1.sendCoin(coinType = NAVX, your_recipient_address, amount)
account2.sendCoinToMany(coinType = NAVX, [addr1, addr2, .. addrN], [amount1, amount2, .. amountN])
account3.transferObj(obj = "0xobjId", your_recipient_address)
account4.transferObjToMany([obj1, obj2, ...], [addr1, addr2, ...])
This will combine all the objects of the same token, and return a comprehensive balance table
const balanceMap = account.getWalletBalance()
balanceMap.then((res) => {
Sample Output:
Coin Type | Balance |
USDC | 2.4994 |
Sui | 3.63103582 |
NAVX | 0 |
Get all accounts' balance, summed together
const balances = client.getAllBalances();
balances.then((res) => {
This will return a table like the following:
Reserve Name | Borrow Balance | Supply Balance |
USDT | 0 | 0 |
CETUS | 0 | 0 |
NAVX | 0 | 0 |
USDC | 0 | 2.000057 |
WETH | 0 | 0 |
SUI | 5.009469205 | 100.097918005 |
VoloSui | 0 | 0 |
HaedalSui | 0 | 0 |
const allPortfolio = client.getAllNaviPortfolios();
allPortfolio.then((res) => {
client.getReserves() //Get All reserve info
import { USDC } from 'navi-sdk/dist/address'
//Leave it empty to get all poolinfo
- OptionSupply = 1
- OptionWithdraw = 2
- OptionBorrow = 3
- OptionRepay = 4
- Option default is 1, you may leave it empty
account.getAvailableRewards() //Return this account's available rewards
client.getAvailableRewards(address); //You may check any address
account.getHealthFactor() //Return this account's health factor
client.getHealthFactor(address); //You may check any address
client.getDynamicHealthFactor(address, coinType = 'USDC', supplyBalanceChange:100000, borrowBalanceChange: 0, is_increase: true)
//supplyBalanceChange and borrowBalanceChange needs to be an integer with token decimals
//Change is_increase to false if it's decrease
You may Simply input 'NAVX' as a string or NAVX as a type imported from address.ts.
Current These Pools are supported: Sui | NAVX | vSui | USDC | USDT | WETH | CETUS | haSui
account.depositToNavi(Sui, amount)
account.depositToNaviWithAccountCap(NAVX, amount, accountCap_Address_that_you_own)
account.withdraw(coinType = NAVX, amount)
account.withdrawWithAccountCap(coinType = NAVX, amount, accountCap_Address_that_you_own)
account.borrow(coinType = NAVX, amount)
account.repay(coinType = NAVX, amount)
account.claimAllRewards(); //Claim both Supply and Borrow rewards
// Initialization Zone
const debt_coin: CoinInfo = USDC; // Assigns USDC as the payment coin. Ensure you maintain a minimum of 0.5 Sui for gas fees if Sui is used.
const to_liquidate_address = 'address_to_liquidate'; // Specifies the blockchain address of the account to be liquidated.
const collateral_coin: CoinInfo = Sui; // Designates Sui as the collateral coin. Note: 'collateral_coin' should not be the same as 'to_pay_coin'.
// End of Initialization Zone
//Option1 - Liquidate with all debt_coin, will return the rest
account.liquidate(debt_coin, to_liquidate_address, collateral_coin);
//Option2 - Liquidate with specific amount
let to_liquidate_amount = 10; //Number of coin that can be used for liquidation, no decimals required.
account.liquidate(debt_coin, to_liquidate_address, collateral_coin, to_liquidate_amount); //Liquidate with 10 USDC.
import { NAVISDKClient } from 'navi-sdk'
import { TransactionBlock } from "@mysten/sui.js/transactions";
import {depositCoin,withdrawCoin, borrowCoin, flashloan,repayFlashLoan, SignAndSubmitTXB, mergeCoins} from 'navi-sdk/dist/libs/PTB'
import { CoinInfo, Pool, PoolConfig } from "navi-sdk/dist/types";
import { pool, USDC } from 'navi-sdk/dist/address'
const mnemonic = "Test Mnemonic"; //Replace with your mnemonic
const client = new NAVISDKClient({mnemonic: mnemonic, networkType: "mainnet", numberOfAccounts: 1});
//Set Up Zone
const toBorrowCoin: CoinInfo = USDC;
const amount_to_borrow = 1 * 10**toBorrowCoin.decimal; //Borrow 1 USDC
//End of Set Up Zone
//For the following code, you can directly copy and paste it to your project
// Initialize the TransactionBlock
let txb = new TransactionBlock();
const account = client.accounts[0];
let sender = account.address;
//Get the object of the coin
const sourceTokenObjAddress = await account.getCoins(toBorrowCoin);
const sourceTokenObj = txb.object([0].coinObjectId);
// Supported: Sui/NAVX/vSui/USDC/USDT/WETH/CETUS/HAsui, import from address file
const Coin_Pool: PoolConfig = pool[toBorrowCoin.symbol as keyof Pool];
const [balance, receipt] = await flashloan(txb, Coin_Pool, amount_to_borrow); // Flashloan 1 USDC
//Transfer the flashloan money to the account
const this_coin = txb.moveCall({
target: '0x2::coin::from_balance',
arguments: [balance],
typeArguments: [Coin_Pool.type],
//Merge Coin to the wallet balance
txb.mergeCoins(sourceTokenObj, [this_coin]);
//Get the repayment object
const repayBalance = txb.moveCall({
target: '0x2::coin::into_balance',
arguments: [sourceTokenObj],
typeArguments: [Coin_Pool.type],
const [e_balance] = await repayFlashLoan(txb, Coin_Pool, receipt, repayBalance); // Repay with the balance
//Extra token after repay
const extra_coin = txb.moveCall({
target: '0x2::coin::from_balance',
arguments: [e_balance],
typeArguments: [Coin_Pool.type],
//Transfer left_money after repay to the account
txb.transferObjects([extra_coin], sender);
const result = SignAndSubmitTXB(txb, account.client, account.keypair);
console.log("result: ", result);
import { NAVISDKClient } from "navi-sdk";
import { TransactionBlock } from "@mysten/sui.js/transactions";
import { SignAndSubmitTXB } from 'navi-sdk/dist/libs/PTB'
import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import { CETUS, getConfig, pool, Sui, USDC, USDT, vSui } from 'navi-sdk/dist/address';
import { PoolConfig, Pool, CoinInfo } from 'navi-sdk/dist/types';
import { AccountManager } from "navi-sdk/dist/libs/AccountManager";
const accountKey = process.env.liquidAddress;
const client = new NAVISDKClient({ mnemonic: accountKey });
const account = client.accounts[0];
const sender = account.address;
console.log(`use address: `, account.address)
//Set UP Zone
const to_pay_coin: CoinInfo = USDT;
const to_liquidate_address = '0x111';
const collectral_coin: CoinInfo = Sui;
//End of Set UP Zone
console.log(`\n\nTo Liquidate address: `, to_liquidate_address)
let [coinObj, to_liquidate_amount] = await getCoinObj(account, to_pay_coin);
//Initialize the TransactionBlock
let txb:any = new TransactionBlock();
const pool_to_pay: PoolConfig = pool[to_pay_coin.symbol as keyof Pool];
const collectral_pool: PoolConfig = pool[collectral_coin.symbol as keyof Pool];
const config = await getConfig();
//Add the liquidation function to the ptb
target: `${config.ProtocolPackage}::incentive_v2::entry_liquidation`,
arguments: [
typeArguments: [pool_to_pay.type, collectral_pool.type],
//Submit the Tx
const result = await SignAndSubmitTXB(txb, account.client, account.keypair);
console.log('Success: ', result.confirmedLocalExecution);
//Get the object of the coin, if there are several coins, merge them
async function getCoinObj(account: AccountManager, realCoin: CoinInfo) {
let getCoinInfo = await account.getCoins(
let allBalance = await account.client.getBalance({owner: account.address, coinType: realCoin.address});
if ( >= 2) {
const txb:any = new TransactionBlock();
let baseObj =[0].coinObjectId;
let i = 1;
while (i < {
txb.mergeCoins(baseObj, [[i].coinObjectId]);
SignAndSubmitTXB(txb, account.client, account.keypair);
let mergedCoin =[0].coinObjectId;
let { totalBalance } = allBalance;
return [mergedCoin, totalBalance];