
Very friendly Flux implementation

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jState is a very friendly Flux implementation. Nowadays there are many libraries that do this implementation and do it with a great success, each characterized by certain characteristics, emphasis certain parameters and has a strong link to other libraries. jState primarily emphasizes complexity, this means that it has a very short and focused API, it is super easy to integrate with all the newest FE libraries and it takes almost no time to get started with.


$ npm i -S jstate
$ yarn add jstate

Quick start

<script src="./node_modules/jstate/dist/jstate.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/rannn505/jstate/master/dist/jstate.min.js"></script>
// open console (F12)
const logger = next => action => {
  // $._ is shorthand to jstate.state
// all of jState API is accessible via $ or jstate prefixes
$.setState({a:2, b:3});

API Reference

📝 API reference
I've created a convenient and readable page, so you can enjoy the experience of learning and begin to use the library quickly and easily.



MIT © Ran Cohen