
Small CLI which can be used to export all your miniflux RSS feeds into an OPML file and to export all starred/bookmarked entries

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



If you have a running Go environment:

go get github.com/rogierlommers/miniflux-exporter

If you just want the (linux, 64 bit) binary: miniflux-exporter


-host string
  	miniflux hostname, f.e. http://localhost:8080 (default"http://localhost:8080")
-output-bookmarks string
  	output filename, f.e. /tmp/bookmarks.xml
-output-opml string
  	output filename, f.e. /tmp/opml.xml
-pass string
  	miniflux password
-user string
  	miniflux username
-s	if flag -s is provided, the happy-flow won't display any output

in your crontab

Put miniflux-exporter in your crontab to frequently make a backup of all your feeds, f.e.:

@weekly        /usr/bin/miniflux-exporter -s -user YOUR_NAME -pass YOUR_PASS -host http://miniflux2-server -output-bookmarks "/my-backups/miniflux-opml.xml" -output-opml "/my-backups/miniflux-bookmarks.xml"

This will backup once a week both starred items and exports to an OPML file and will only display error messages