
Launcher for OpenTelemetry Node.js

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


NPM Published Version Apache License Coverage

TODO - Add screenshot

An Alpha version

This package provides OpenTelemetry-compliant tracing to Javascript applications for the collection of distributed tracing and performance metrics in Cisco Telescope.



Install packages

To install Cisco OpenTelemetry Distribution simply run:

npm install cisco-opentelemetry-node

Library initialization

Cisco OpenTelemetry Distribution is activated and instruments the supported libraries once the module is imported.


const { ciscoTracing } = require('cisco-opentelemetry-node');

const userOptions = {
  serviceName: 'my-app-name',
  ciscoToken: 'cisco-token',

await ciscoTracing.init(userOptions);


import { ciscoTracing, Options } from 'cisco-opentelemetry-node';

const userOptions: Partial<Options> = {
  serviceName: 'my-app-name',
  ciscoToken: 'sometoken',
await ciscoTracing.init(userOptions);

OpenTelemetry Collector Configuration

By default, Cisco OpenTelemetry Distribution exports data to Cisco Telescope's external collector. Existing OpenTelemetery Collector is supported, the following configuration can be applied

collector.yaml ...

    traces_endpoint: https://production.cisco-udp.com/trace-collector:80
      authorization: <Your Telescope Token>
    compression: gzip

      exporters: [otlphttp]

Existing OpenTelemetry Instrumentation

Notice: Only relevant if interested in streaming existing OpenTelemetry workloads. Cisco Telescope. supports native OpenTelemetery traces.

const traceProvider = new NodeTracerProvider({
 resource: Resource(),
const collectorOptions = {
 url: https://production.cisco-udp.com/trace-collector:80,
 headers: {
     authorization: <Your Telescope Token>,
const httpExporter = new HTTPTraceExporter(collectorOptions);
traceProvider.addSpanProcessor(new BatchSpanProcessor(httpExporter));


Cisco OpenTelemetry JS Distribution is extending Native OpenTelemetry, supported frameworks available here.

Supported Libraries

Cisco OpenTelemetry JS Distribution is extending Native OpenTelemetry, supported libraries available here.

Cisco OpenTelemetry JS Distribution provides out-of-the-box instrumentation (tracing) and advanced payload collections for many popular frameworks and libraries.

Library Extended Support Version
http Fully supported
aws-sdk V2, V3
amqplib ^0.5.5
grpc-js ^1.X
redis ^2.6.0, ^3.0.0


Advanced options can be configured as a parameter to the init() method:

Parameter Env Type Default Description
ciscoToken CISCO_TOKEN string - Cisco account token
serviceName OTEL_SERVICE_NAME string application Application name that will be set for traces
debug CISCO_DEBUG string false Debug logs
payloadsEnabled CISCO_PAYLOADS_ENABLED boolean false The number in bytes of the maximum payload to capture for request
maxPayloadSize CISCO_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE number 1024 The number in bytes of the maximum payload to capture for request

Exporter options

Parameter Env Type Default Description
collectorEndpoint OTEL_COLLECTOR_ENDPOINT string https://production.cisco-udp.com/trace-collector:80 The address of the trace collector to send traces to
type OTEL_EXPORTER_TYPE string otlp-http The exporter type to use (Currently only otlp-http are supported). Multiple exporter option available via init function see example below
customHeaders None Map<string, string> {} Extra headers to inject to the exporter (in gRPC to the metadata, in http to Headers)

Getting Help

If you have any issue around using the library or the product, please don't hesitate to:

  • Use the documentation.
  • Use the help widget inside the product.
  • Open an issue in GitHub.

Opening Issues

If you encounter a bug with the Cisco OpenTelemetry Distribution for JavaScript, we want to hear about it.

When opening a new issue, please provide as much information about the environment:

  • Library version, JavaScript runtime version, dependencies, etc.
  • Snippet of the usage.
  • A reproducible example can really help.

The GitHub issues are intended for bug reports and feature requests. For help and questions about Epsagon, use the help widget inside the product.


Provided under the Apache 2.0. See LICENSE for details.

Copyright 2022, Cisco