Trail Blzr

TrailBlazr - Demo, Github - FrontEnd | BackEnd

  • An outdoor/recreation app aimed to help users find trails, create hiking events, and connect with other users.
  • Developed Rails API backend using PostgreSQL to maintain the database.
  • Utilized Google Maps API & DarkSky API to locate the Trails and predict the weather on scheduled event date.
  • Incorporated ChartJS & VictoryJS to display altitude and weather data.
  • Implemented ActionCable to push comments through webSockets.

Backend Repository

Trail Blzr API

Technologies Used

  • React.js
  • React-Router
  • Ruby on Rails for backend
  • Google Maps API
  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • Semantic UI React
  • HTML5(JSX)
  • CSS (customized)
  • Animate.css
  • DarkSky weather API
  • React Image Zoo
  • Trails API
  • WebSockets


  1. Install and run
  2. Clone or download this repository to local system
  3. Use preferred text editor and/or terminal to navigate into DateNight_Frontend directory
  4. Run npm install (or npm i) in terminal
  5. Run npm start in terminal to launch the app in browser

*Note: If backend (Rails) server is already running, it will be running on http://localhost:3000/. After running npm start, follow prompt and type y in terminal to run frontend on alternate port. ＀