
Helpers to enable MITM proxy functionality for direct and transparent proxying on projects utilising the library

Primary LanguagePython

What is this repository for?

Helpers to enable MITM proxy functionality for direct and transparent proxying on projects utilising the library

How do I use it

  1. MITM proxy is an alternative to browsermob. This is useful when request interception and response manipulation is required. To install please ensure you are running the latest version of python and then run pip3 install mitmproxy. See https://docs.mitmproxy.org/stable/overview-installation/ for more information

  2. Then install mitm-proxy-helpers either via pip using pip install mitm-proxy-helpers or add mitm proxy helpers to your Pipfile like this mitm-proxy-helpers="*". To get the latest master version mitm-proxy-helpers = {git = "git://github.com/ransom4real/mitm-proxy-helpers.git",editable = true}

  3. from mitm_proxy_helpers.proxy import Proxy
    proxy_client = Proxy()

    To start the proxy


    To set the proxy for Firefox

    ff_profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()

    To set the proxy for Chrome

    from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options as ChromeOptions
    chrome_options = ChromeOptions()

    You can get the proxy host and port by accessing the proxy attributes

    host = proxy_client.host
    port = proxy_client.proxy_port

    You can stop the proxy using (Stopping the proxy when in hardump mode writes the har log out)


    To fetch the har log ensure you are running the har_logging script and call the har() method

    proxy_client = Proxy(script='har_logging')

    Other scripts you can run include blacklist, empty_response, har_and_blacklist, json_resp_field_rewriter, response_replace, request_throttle and har_logging_no_replace. Just ensure you set the MITM related variables as explained below

During execution some environment variables will need to be set defaults are meant to be overriden. See list below


  • proxy_host: This is the IP of the netork interface you want the proxy to be associated with. If this is not specified the framework is select the first active network interface when creating the proxy. Ensure you configure this especially when running via a VPN alongside your normal network.
  • proxy_provider: This defaults to browsermob. Other options include mitmproxy which would use MITM proxy as an alternative.

MITM Related Variables

  • mitm_server_host: Default to proxy_host variable if set. This is required if the MITM proxy is remote and is the IP of the host machine
  • mitm_server_ssh_port: If set, the framework will assume the MITM proxy is remote rather than local. Set to 22 unless SSH runs on a different port on the host machine
  • mitm_server_ssh_user: This is required if MITM is on a remote machine. The username should have the appropriate permissions to run MITM proxy and associated scripts
  • mitm_server_ssh_password: This is the associated password for the mitm_server_ssh_user
  • mitm_server_interface: The network interface MITM is running on. On MacOS this should be en0 for wireless connections, eth0 for wired connections. You can find what it is by doing ifconfig on the MITM host
  • mitm_proxy_listen_port: This defaults to 8081 and this indicates what port MITM Proxy will be listening on
  • mitm_har_path: This default to logs/har/dump.har path of the project root. However you can set a path reflecting where you want this har outputted on the remote MITM host.
  • mitm_python3_path: This defaults to the current python 3 path on the host machine where this framework resides. If running MITM proxy remotely then this should be the path to the python 3 version on that host
  • fixtures_dir: Path to your json fixures for intercepting and rewriting proxy requests. Defaults to mitm_proxy_helpers/server_scripts/fixtures path of the framework root directory
  • mitm_verbose: Set to true if you want to print the mitm_proxy library outputs to the terminal. Defaults to false

MITM Proxy Scripts

  • This defaults to mitm_proxy_helpers/server_scripts/${script}.py. If you have custom ${script}.py scripts please set the path here. If path is remote, please set the path to the remote script location. Possible scripts include har_dump, blacklister, empty_response, har_dump_and_blacklister, json_response_field_rewriter, response_replace and request_throttle.

How do i contribute to it

  1. Install project dependencies by running pip install --three
  2. Upon code changes run pylint_runner by executing pipenv run pylint_runner to lint your code and ensure nothing is broken
  3. Bump library version in setup.py

Deploying package to pypi

  1. Delete old dist files from dist/
  2. python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
  3. twine upload dist/*

Note twine may need to be configured to point to production pypi