
Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

ransomts emacs customization

Here’s my shot at making a portable, modular, and org-anized configuration. I use this configuration on several machines, operating systems, with and without Xorg or consistant package updates.

Just about every src block in lisp/config.org can be taken as a unit block to use in other configs.


  • Adapts to Linux/Windows
  • Org mode src blocks group relevant packages
  • use-package
    • migrated customize.el settings into package specific configs
    • proper load ordering and conditional ordering
  • exwm configuration
    • several multi-monitor machines
    • many simulation keys
    • several xf86 multimedia keys supported
  • configuration for several large emacs packages
    • org
    • erc
    • eshell
    • dired
    • helm
    • magit
    • slime
    • theme (with change on sunrise/sunset)