
clojurescript todos

Primary LanguageClojure

Clojurescript todos


hierarchical todos in .cljs with due-dates and priorities.



The development and deploy environments expect clojurescript and leiningen as well as node v5.5.0 and a global install of bower.

build and run

The following steps ought to get a demo up and running.

  • build the javascript client by running lein cljsbuild once in the project root directory
  • start the hoodie server from the hoodie_app directory with

    npm install bower install node bin/run and check the terminal output for the WWW port to point your browser to after setup

  • cache the hoodie client on the filesystem for faster page-loads by running ./curl_hoodie.sh $PORT in the hoodie_app directory, where $PORT is the hoodie WWW port.

the development setup uses figwheel for code reloading and an interactive REPL. run lein figwheel in a seperate terminal and reload the page to get started!