
If you are looking for Bootstrap without jQuery or vanilla Javascript for Bootstrap, this is the place to get started.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Native Javascript for Bootstrap

This is a set of scripts developed with native Javascript for Bootstrap 3 series, and featuring superior performance compared to the original jQuery Plugins. Thanks to Ingwie Phoenix for contributing with npm/RequireJS/CommonJS compatibility. See demo for scripting examples and instructions.


New releases will be available automatically on jsdelivr CDN repositories and CDNjs repositories.

Bower and NPM

You can install this package by using either Bower or NPM.

$ npm install --save bootstrap.native


$ bower install --save bootstrap.native


bootstrap.native is UMD (Universal Module Definition) compatible. It will work correctly in CommonJS and AMD environments, but falls back to exporting to window in a normal <script> tag environment.

Traditional script-tag example:

<!-- Using one of the CDN repositories-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/bootstrap.native/1.0.5/bootstrap-native.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap.native/1.0.5/bootstrap-native.min.js"></script>
<!-- Using a local assets folder -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/js/bootstrap.native.min.js"></script>
<!-- Using Bower -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/bower_components/bootstrap.native/dist/bootstrap-native.min.js"></script>

Warning: Do not use files directly from /lib folder! These files are just sources for the builds located in the /dist folder.

You can also use bootstrap.native in a CommonJS environment:

var bsn = require("bootstrap.native");
// Create a button:
var btn = new bsn.Button(...);

Note: If you are working in a virtual browser environment (i.e. running front-end tests in NodeJS), bootstrap-native requires both window and document to be in scope. You will need to use a mock browser.

Note About the Factory Methods

As mentioned above, the object properties of the exported object, when using require(), are actual classes when document and window are given - in which case we are sure to be facing an actual browser - and if absent, will be factory methods.

So when using bootstrap.native inside of a NodeJS app, make sure you create a proper Browser-like environment first to avoid unexpected behaviour.

Browser Support

The scripts are developed with clean code mainly for modern browsers that nativelly support HTML5. When using polyfills, IE8-IE9 will thank you.

Custom Builds

You can make a custom build of bootstrap-native, including only the modules you need, by using the build.js script.


$ node build.js --help
node build.js [--minify] [--ignore=<modules>...|--only=<modules>...]

  --minify, -m  Minify output                         [boolean] [default: false]
  --ignore, -i  Omit the given module(s) from the bundle                 [array]
  --only        Only include the given module(s) in the bundle           [array]
  --help        Show help                                              [boolean]

Running without --ignore or --only will compile all the modules.
Writes to stdout

*nix users can run ./build.js as well as node build.js.


  • Ingwie Phoenix: RequireJS/CommonJS compatibility and usability with common package managers. Was glad to help!
  • Ryan Zimmerman: Amazing custom build script.
  • Full contributors list here. Thanks so much!


The scripts are released under the MIT license.