
This project is an open source implementation of the ASP.NET Identity framework that kicks entity framework to the curb and utilizes dapper dot net in its place.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Custom ASP.NET User Manager w/ Dapper Dot Net

This project is an open source implementation of a custom User Manager (ASP.NET Identity Framework 2) that uses Dapper Dot Net instead of Entity Framework for an ORM. This project is available under the MIT license and can be used as a starting point for your next project or as a learning tool to get a feel for customizing the User Manager.

This project also includes examples for custom User Store, User Login Store, User Password Store and User Security Stamp Store which form the minimal requirements to build a custom User Manager.

Getting Started

This solution is intended to be used as a learning reference or for starting a fresh project. The best way to get a feel for this solution is to simply download the source code from this repository. If you choose the former, the solution is ready to compile and run right out of the gate after NuGet packages are downloaded. After downloading the solution follow these steps to run the solution.

Note: This project was built with Visual Studio 2015 using the MVC 5 web project template but it should be able to be ran on older versions of Visual Studio without too much hassle

  1. Find the create scripts in the project and set them aside.
  2. You can find these under DapperIdentity.Data project in the Scripts folder
  3. Create a new database either on your LocalDB or SQL Server of your choice
  4. Execute CreateUserTable.sql
  5. Execute CreateExternalLoginsTable.sql
  6. Update the connectionString property of the DefaultConnection element in the Web projects Web.config
  7. <add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="Data Source=(LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=DapperIdentity;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
  8. Build the solution. The NuGet packages for the solution should be downloaded at this time.
  9. Hit F5 and test the site out.

Customizing the User Account

The user object for this example has a couple of custom fields out the gate but you may be interested in adding more. When creating the user object you must implement the IUser interface which, by default, requires a string id and string UserName field. An int id can be used in place of it but requires extensive customization of each implemented interface, the UserRepository and the database.

    public class User : IUser
        public string Id { get; set; }
        public string UserName { get; set; }
        public string Nickname { get; set; }
        public string PasswordHash { get; set; }
        public string SecurityStamp { get; set; }
        public bool IsConfirmed { get; set; }
        public string ConfirmationToken { get; set; }
        public DateTime CreatedDate { get; set; }

In this solution the custom fields include Nickname, IsConfirmed, ConfirmationToken and CreatedDate.

Note: The IsConfirmed and ConfirmationToken are used throughout the application to provide an example of doing account confirmation via email, however, the full example is not implemented and is intended for example purposes. Please see the inline comments throughout the AccountController for more information.

If you do change the User object you will be required to make changes to the following methods to account for the change.

Location Change
DapperIdentity.Data.Repositories.UserRepository.CreateAsync Modify the UPDATE query
DapperIdentity.Data.Repositories.UserRepository.UpdateAsync Modify the UPDATE query
DapperIdentity.Web.Controllers.AccountController.Register The HttpPost action needs to account for the field when instantiating the User object before calling CreateAsync
DapperIdentity.Web.ViewModels.RegisterViewModel If the data you are trying to collect is from the user at the time of registration, make sure to update the ViewModel for use with the Register view
DapperIdentity.Web.ViewModels.ExternalLoginConfirmationViewModel The ExternalLoginConfirmationViewModel is used when collecting additional information about the user if you enable registration with third party systems such as Google
Register.cshtml Finally after updating the the register and external login confirmation view models, you should update the view to collect this information
ExternalLoginConfirmation.cshtml If you are gathering this information upon account creation and are using an external login, then you should update the external login confirmation form as well
User Database Table Should be updated with a column with the appropriate data type for the new field

Additional References

  • This guide on www.asp.net provides a good introduction to adding support for Google, Facebook and Twitter. Simply updating the Startup.Auth class will let you use them for authorization without additional changes to the application.
         clientId: "000000000000000.apps.googleusercontent.com",
         clientSecret: "000000000000000");
  • Throughout the application most methods have XML Documentation Comments applied to them. In most cases they are for practical purposes, but in some cases they are for potential enhancements to the solution. For example:
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a rough example of an action result that could exist that is called from a confirmation email.  It takes the encoded ConfirmationToken object, decodes it, performs
        /// some logic to determine if the account is already confirmed, if the token expired, or if everything is ok.  This can obviously be better, but it is here for example purposes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">In this example, if you look at EmailConfirmationHelper.DecodeConfirmationToken you will see it takes the encoded id parameter from the URL, decodes it back into
        /// the ConfirmationToken object and then uses the Email to find the user.  This is important because without this, the UserManager wouldn't have a way to actually find the user.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task<ActionResult> ConfirmationLink(string id)

Next Steps

Here are some suggestion on what you can improve next. These are not required for the solution to work but could provide good learning opportunities.

Implement the e-mail confirmation

This is mostly wired up in the application already so you will just need to modify the SendRegistrationEmail in DapperIdentity.Web.Email.EmailConfirmationHelper.cs.

        //public static async Task SendRegistrationEmail(string token, string email)
        //    //TODO:  Implement logic to send e-mail for confirmation if that is something you want to do

Here is an example using SendGrid

        public static async Task SendRegistrationEmail(string token, string email)
            var message = new SendGridMessage
                From = new MailAddress("you@youremail.com", "The Software Team")

            var confirmationToken = EncodeConfirmationToken(token, email);

            message.Subject = "Activate your account";

            var confirmationLink = String.Format("https://localhost/Account/ConfirmationLink?id={0}", confirmationToken);

            message.Html =
                "Hello!<br/><br/>Your Account has been created.  Please verify your email address by clicking this link to complete the signup process.<br/><br/>" +
                confirmationLink + "<br/><br/>If you did not initiate this request, you may safely ignore this one-time message.  The request will expire shortly.<br/><br/>Sincerely,<br/><br/>The Team";

            //TODO: Enter your SendGrid APIKEY
            var transportWeb = new SendGrid.Web("");
            await transportWeb.DeliverAsync(message);

Tools Used in This Project


This project is available entirely free under the MIT license. It is intended primarily to serve as a learning tool or starting spot for new projects. If you have any suggestions or questions, or find an issue, make sure to open an issue here on the github project.