Installing MAVEN

  • Download maven 3.2.3 binary
  • Extract it using tar xzf filename.tar.gz
  • Move the extract directory to a place where you want to store binaries (ex. /usr/local/)
  • Add /usr/local/apache-maven-3.2.3/bin to your PATH variable
  • Edit your profile by vi ~/.profile by
export PATH=/usr/local/apache-maven-3.2.3/bin:$PATH
  • reload profile by source ~/.profile and try mvn --version

###Running and installing project

  • get project to your suitable directory (best is your eclipse workspace directory) by git clone framebuff
  • Now run the following commands to start project
  cd framebuff
  mvn clean install
  mvn tomcat7:run
  • Check on http://localhost:8080/framebuff/

Note: If your default tomcat7(or any other server) is running on port 8080 please stop that process first. (ex. sudo service tomcat stop)
