Reinforcement learning agent that learns to land a rocket optimally!
I made this because I wanted to learn about deep reinforcement learning. I had already implemented Q-learning algorithm for Taxi environment and I wanted to tackle more challening environment. Lunar lander wasn't an easy environment but it seemed fun and I also like rockets!
- Off-policy model free Q-learning with deep neural network
- Experience replay and separate target network for more stable learning
- Able to solve LunarLander environment (LunarLander-v2 is considered "solved" when the agent obtains an average reward of at least 200 over 100 consecutive episodes.)
- Uses Double DQN target for better performance
- Python 3.7
- OpenAI Gym 0.17.3
- Numpy 1.19.3
- matplotlib 3.3.2
- Tensorflow 1.15.4
- tqdm 4.51.0
- box2d 2.3.10
Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run to start training, you will get a plot if you abort the training with Ctrl-C.
Run to see pre-trained agent in action.
Based on Deepmind's DQN paper: Mnih, Volodymyr, et al. "Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning." (2015)
Double DQN from: Van Hasselt, Hado, Arthur Guez, and David Silver. "Deep reinforcement learning with double q-learning." (2015)
- DQN extensions
- Prioritized experience replay
- Dueling-DQN
- Refactoring and better documentation