
The collection of Front-end and Back-end web development resources, also collect the framework learning resources.

Learn web development resources

A collection of resources to learn Front-end and Back-end development and also it's related concepts. Please see CONTRIBUTING for details and contribute. ;)



Front End Web Development Programming.


HTML Web Development Programming.


CSS Web Development Programming.

  • CSS Basic - an introduciton about CSS and basic concepts.
  • Introduction to CSS Development - Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS, is how we control what a website looks like, including colors, layouts, fonts, and more!.
  • CSS Tricks - Fixing in CSS optimized tutorial.
  • MDN CSS - Cascading Stylesheets — or CSS — is the second technology you should start learning after HTML.


JavaScript Web Development Programming.


Jquery Web Development Programming.

  • jQuery Basic - an introduciton about jQuery and basic concepts.
  • jQuery - These courses take you from your very first jQuery selector all the way through more advanced topics, such as promises and Ajax calls.
  • jQuery UI - jQuery UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. Whether you're building highly interactive web applications or you just need to add a date picker to a form control, jQuery UI is the perfect choice.


Tutorial about Psd to HTML/CSS Convert techniques and concepts


Back End Web Development Programming.

PHP Basic

PHP Web Development Programming.

  • PHP Basic - an introduciton about jQuery and basic concepts.
  • The PHP Practitioner - learn the fundamentals of PHP - all the way down to defining variables and arrays.
  • PHP Development - No prerequisite skills, but buckle up and prepare to develop! Covering many aspects of PHP.
  • PHP Exceptions - An introduction about exceptions in PHP.

Object Oriented in PHP

Object Oriented Fundamental concepts in PHP.



Learn Laravel in PHP Programming.


  • Codecademy - Learn to code interactively, for free.
  • Codecombat - CodeCombat is a platform for students to learn computer science while playing through a real game.
  • Codercamps - Learn to code with a deep understanding of programming principles and the latest technologies.
  • A Modern Coding Bootcamp Online (►$) - Learn HTML/CSS/Javascript/SQL/Ruby and become a web developer in as little as 12 weeks.
  • User Interface Design patterns - User Interface Design patterns are recurring solutions that solve common design problems. Design patterns are standard reference points for the experienced user interface designer.

Important Tools

Some important tools you should know for development


Git is a version control system (VCS) for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work on those files among multiple people.

  • Git Official - Git --distributed-even-if-your-workflow-isnt.
  • Git - The simple Guide - just a simple guide for getting started with git. no deep shit ;).
  • Become a git guru - Learn the basics of Git through this comprehensive Git training. Branching, pull requests, merging and more are covered in the Atlassian Git tutorial.


GitHub is Online project hosting using Git. Includes source-code browser, in-line editing, wikis, and ticketing. Free for public open-source code.

  • Github Guides Official - The Hello World project is a time-honored tradition in computer programming. It is a simple exercise that gets you started when learning something new. Let’s get started with GitHub!.
  • Github learning Resources - Good Resources for Learning Git and GitHub from git help.
  • Try git with Github - Got 15 minutes and want to learn Git?.


Videos Tutorials Collection


Slides about web-development programming and related concepts.


Some amazing courses


Fantastic and must-read books about web programming, front-end, back-and and it's related concepts.


Some fantastic and influential front-end and back-end developers.

  • Adam Culp - Consultant at Zend Technologies and Sunshine PHP organizer.
  • Andi Gutmans - CEO and co-founder of Zend and PHP co-architect.
  • Anthony Ferrara - Co-author of PHP Internals book and Developer Advocate for Google.
  • Dayle Rees - Laravel evangelist and author of Laravel Code Bright and Code Happy books.
  • Fabien Potencier - CEO and co-founder of SensioLabs and founder and project lead of Symfony Framework.
  • Matthew Weier O'Phinney - Principal Enginner at Zend Technologies and project lead for Zend Framework and Apigility.
  • Rasmus Lerdorf - Creator of PHP and open source contributor.
  • Zeev Suraski - CTO and co-founder of Zend and PHP co-architect.
  • Taylor Otwell - PHP developer and creator of Laravel Framework.

Some Questions

I found not related to WEB DEVELOPMENT resources. Is this correct?
The project name is "WEB DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES". But as the name of project, web development programming is used lot of softwares and plateforms so included.

There are some tutorials that aren't in the correct section?
I tried to keep this reference as simple as possible and divided it in a few areas. But there are some problems! Feel free to make any suggestions and contribute.