
A automated script to choose Fast speed Mirror for Kali linux & Ubuntu. Default servers may have high load or in different region , which result in low speed . By selecting nearest and fastest server, speed issue will be resolved .

Primary LanguageShell



No need to search again and agian for Kali linux or Ubuntu fast mirror Repository on Internet , just hit the script and it will set automatically in your system.
  ____   _                 _                                            
 / ___| | |               | |                                            
| |_    | |   __ _   ___  | |__    ______   _ ___    ___    _ __      ___  
|  _|   | |  / _  | / __| | '_ \  |__==__| | |_|_|  / _ \  | '_  \   / _ \ 
| |     | | | (_| | \__ \ | | | |          | |     |  __/  | | _) | | (_) |
|_|     |_|  \__'_| |___/ |_| |_|          |_|      \___|  | |___/   \___/ 
                                                           | |             

💥 Introduction

Flash-Repo will help to choose the best Kali Linux Repository with your current region. If you have set-up new Kali-linux or Ubuntu . While installing , updating pacakges, Even if you have a good Internet speed still facing the speed issue ? Here this script will help you to choose the best mirror automatically.

🛠️ Usage

curl -sL https://tinyurl.com/flash-repo | sudo bash  



New Update

Latency checking Speed increase by 7x times .
