
A blog site using Gatsby and Netlify CMS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This project is open source and everyone is encouraged to contribute and improve it.

Gatsby is a powerful preconfiguration to build a website that uses only static files for incredibly fast page loads, service workers, code splitting, server-side rendering, intelligent image loading, and asset optimization.

Create your blog in Gatsby.js and Netlify CMS

1- Clone the repository to your device.


2- Create a new repository in your GitHub account.

3- Run the following git commands one by one in the folder path:

  • git init
  • giti add .
  • git commit -m "initial commit"
  • git remote add origin 'YOUR REPO URL'
  • git push origin master

Now the repository should be pushed into your GitHub account.

5- In your repository, go to static/admin/config.yml and change the fourth line to point to your repository URL. It should be something like this 'username/YOUR-REPO-NAME'.

6- Go to https://www.netlify.com and log in to deploy your blog.

Choose New site from git and select the blog repository and wait till deployment finishes.

By now your blog should be up and running!

7- Go to gatsby-config.js in your GitHub repository and change the siteURL: with your blog URL

8- Go to <https://github.com/settings/applications/new > and fill up the details with as following:

The page will generate a client id and secret key

9- In Netlify.com, go to settings / access control / oauth

And click "install provider" and paste the client ID and secret key.

Yaa! Now you should be able to access your admin panel by simply adding /admin at the end of your URL and start publishing your exciting blogs!