
Aldor documentation utility

Primary LanguageTeX

            aldoc -- Aldor documentation class for LaTeX2e
                  extract -- Aldor to LaTeX2e utility
               aldoc2thml -- Aldor to LaTeX2HTML utility

                  Copyright(c) 1995-2001 by ETH Zuerich
                Niklaus Mannhart, mannhart@inf.ethz.ch

   This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
   as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the

   This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

aldoc, extract and aldoc2html are utilities that help programmers
documenting their Aldor programs in a easy way. The LaTeX2e class
file aldoc provides useful macros with a unique manual page layout.
extract is a utility that converts documented Aldor programs to
LaTeX2e code and aldoc2html converts .tex files to optimized .tex
files for latex2html.


1. copy the file aldoc.tgz in a temporary directory,
   uncompress and extract and copy the files with the command:

   gzip -dc aldoc.tar.gz | tar -xvf -

2. edit the customization section of the Makefile (in doubt,
   leave the defaults)

3. create the "aldoc" class file and the "extract" program with
   the command:

   make all

4. copy "aldoc.cls", "ttyverb.sty" and "aldoc2html.tex" to the
   directory where your local latex class/style files are stored.
   (e.g. ~aldor/texinput)

5. copy "extract" and "aldoc2html" to the directory where your
   local binaries are stored. (e.g ~aldor/bin)

6. copy "aldoc.pdf" (the manual) to the directory where your aldor
   manuals are stored (e.g. ~aldor/doc)

7. remove the temporary directory

Note: A detailed description of the class file and the extract
      utility is found in aldoc.pdf

%%%% That's it %%%%