Nlw Setup Cover
Ministered by Diego Fernandes Ministered by Diego Fernandes NLW - Setup
Setup API Setup Mobile

πŸ“· Screenshots

home home-habit-popover create-habit create-habit-input-filled

πŸ“š About Project

Habits is an application that helps the users to controll new habits that they want to achieve. Using this application, they can see how many goals they achieved in each day, and then, adapt their routine to achieve more or less goals.

πŸš€ Running

To run this application, clone this repository by typing: $ git clone

  • Go to the folder where you copied the repository
  • Type $ cd Nlw-Setup-Web
  • Install the dependencies: $ npm install.
  • Run $ npm run dev (in your terminal you will see the URL to access the page, it should be http://localhost:5173)

πŸ“Œ Techs

πŸ‘ Contribute

If you find an bug, feel free to open an pull request or an issue. If you want to improve this project, just do it ➑️ :

  • Clone this repository: $ git clone
  • Create a branch with your feature: $ git checkout -b my-feature.
  • Commit your changes: $ git commit -m 'feat: my new feature'.
  • Push your branch: $ git push origin my-feature.