
The mobile version to the Proffy App

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Made by Rocketseat Ministered by Diego Fernandes NLW 2
Proffy API WebProffy

Made with 💜

📷 Screenshots

📱 Mobile

Mobile landing page Mobile teacher list Mobile teacher redirect Mobile teacher list

📚 About Project

Proffy is an application made for the purpose of easily connecting students and teachers. Through this application, students can find teachers and get in touch with them. For proffys, they can gather students and schedule classes. Now it has a mobile app, increasing application's reach, and gives to user a more complete experience.

🚀 Running

To run this application, clone this repository by: $ git clone https://github.com/raphaacosta/Proffy-Mobile.git.

  • Install the dependencies by: $ yarn install.
  • If you want to run into your physical phone, then install Expo app into it.
  • Run $ yarn start wait for the browser open, scan the QRCode with Expo app.
  • On the odther hand, if you wnat to run into a simulator, click on run on IOS simulator or run on Android simulator.

📌 Techs

👍 Contribute

If you find an bug, feel free to open an pull request or an issue. If you want to improve this project, just do it ➡️ :

  • Clone this repository: $ git clone https://github.com/raphaacosta/Proffy-Web.git.
  • Create a branch with your feature: $ git checkout -b my-feature.
  • Commit your changes: $ git commit -m 'feat: my new feature'.
  • Push your branch: $ git push origin my-feature.