
Blazor Input Mask

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Blazor Input Mask

Nuget Package : https://www.nuget.org/packages/BlazorInputMask/

Install-Package BlazorInputMask

Blazor Input Mask (based on https://imask.js.org/)

Use like that:

<EditForm Model="..

<InputMask @bind-Value="user.Telephone" class="form-control" data-mask="" OnChanged="..." placeholder="Phone No" />

In your _Host.cshtml or Index.html file:

<script src="_content/BlazorInputMask/Main.js"></script>
<script src="_content/BlazorInputMask/IMask.js"></script>

You can also have the possibility to set an id to the mask (optional), and also retrieve the unmasked value.

06-29-2021 : Added parameter - validateOnKeyPress

Additional help in the demo code here :


06-13-2021 : RegEx support

Usage : (RegEx must start and end with a slash '/')

<InputMask @bind-Value="user.Telephone" class="form-control" data-mask="/^\d+$/" placeholder="Phone No" returnRawValue="false" />

02-12-22 : Added new parameter returnRawValue true by default

Warning: now return value parameter is not rawValue but returnValue.

02-21-2023 : Added function updateMask

03-12-2023 : BREAKING CHANGE

New event has been added: OnChanged, which returns both value and the masked raw value.

So you don't need to use returnRawValue anymore.

10-14-2023 : Added function clearValue

03-27-2024 : Upgraded NuGet Package for .NET 8