Lazac: maximum parsimony under the zero-agnostic copy number transformation model

Lazac is a tool for inferring single-cell resolution copy number phylogenies from copy number data. It is based on our zero-agnostic copy number transformation (ZCNT) model, which we recently introduced as a simplification of the copy number transformation (CNT) model. Our algorithm uses tree search and an efficient solver of the small parsimony problem to find trees.


If you find this tool useful in your research, please cite us at:

  title={A zero-agnostic model for copy number evolution in cancer},
  author={Schmidt, Henri and Sashittal, Palash and Raphael, Benjamin J},
  journal={PLoS computational biology},
  publisher={Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA}


lazac can be installed automatically using Conda. Simply execute,

$ conda install -c schmidt73 lazac

and Lazac will be available as lazac.

Manual installation

Lazac is implemented in C++ and is packaged with the dependencies needed to execute the program. In particular, the only dependencies are a recent version of CMAKE and a modern C++17 compliant compiler.

To build Lazac from source, first clone the repository and its submodules:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules

Then from the root of the project directory, execute the following sequence o commands:

$ mkdir build; cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

The output binary will be located at build/src/lazac.


To run lazac, simply execute the binary.

Usage: lazac [--help] [--version] {distance,nni}

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help   	shows help message and exits 
  -v, --version	prints version information and exits 

  distance      Computes a distance matrix on copy number profiles
  nni           Infers a copy number tree using NNI operations

The tool has two modes: distance matrix construction using the ZCNT distance and a heuristic tree search algorithm for the ZCNT large parsimony problem. The distance mode takes copy number profiles as input. The nni mode takes both copy number profiles and a Newick tree as input. Note: Lazac infers an unrooted tree by default. To obtain a rooted tree, add a diploid normal sample to the set input profiles and then root the unrooted tree at this sample.

Input format

The input format for lazac consists of copy number profiles and Newick trees on the profiles. The format for a copy number profile is a CSV consisting of at least five columns named node, chrom, start, end, and cn_X. In particular, node is the name of the cell, the triple (chrom, start, end) describes the copy number bin, and cn_a is the number of copies of the locus on the a allele. Since you can have varying numbers of alleles, we allow the number of columns to vary. The Newick file must specify a binary tree and the leaves of the tree must identify the cells in the node column of the copy number profiles.

An example input format CSV is given examples/PTX008_cn_profiles.csv.

Usage Example

We will construct a topology on bulk tumor sequencing data from patient 8 studied in Gundem et al. 2015. First, we will compute the distance matrix using the following command:

$ lazac distance examples/PTX008_cn_profile.csv -o examples/PTX008

Then, we will perform neighbor joining on the distance matrix to obtain a starting tree for our large parsimony tree search algorithm and then arbitrarily resolve polytomies to make the tree binary

$ python scripts/ examples/PTX008_dist_matrix.csv --output examples/PTX008_rcnt_nj_tree.newick
$ python scripts/ examples/PTX008_rcnt_nj_tree.newick --output examples/PTX008_rcnt_nj_tree.binary.newick

Then, we will run lazac nni to improve upon the candidate topology.

$ lazac nni examples/PTX008_cn_profile.csv examples/PTX008_rcnt_nj_tree.binary.newick -a 2 -o examples/PTX008_rcnt

Finally, we can root our tree at a desired node. For best results, add a fake, diploid normal sample to the input set of profiles and root the tree at this sample.

$ python scripts/ examples/PTX008_rcnt_tree.newick [ROOT] --output [OUTPUT.NEWICK]