
Represent and manipulate musical MIDI data as a Starknet smart contract.

Primary LanguageCairo

Represent and manipulate MIDI on Starknet 💫

An experimental project for representing musical MIDI data as a Starknet smart contract.

MIDI manipulation

This project allows you to do some midi manipulations:

  • Tempo flex: change the tempos by a certain basis point.
  • Duration flex: change the duration of all notes in a MIDI by a certain basis point.
  • Transposition: shift the pitch of all notes in a MIDI by a certain number of semitones.
  • Velocity Scale: adjust the velocity of all notes in a MIDI by a certain basis point.

How to run the project?

Install modules defined in package.json

npm install

Create a temporary environment


Generate a contract

To represent a JSON object as a Starknet smart contract:

  • Create a new folder and place the JSON file in it.
  • Run the following task:
npx hardhat generateContract <path-to-json-file> <name-of-generated-file>

This will generate a new cairo file with the specified name in contracts folder.


npx hardhat generateContract example/input/midi.json midi-generated

(I used the Tone.js library to convert the object retrieved from the smart contract into a midi file.)

Retrieve onchain object

Once your contract is deployed, you can call the smart contract's retrieve_object function to get a representation of your original JSON object.

Run the following task:

npx hardhat retreiveMidi [--contract-name] [--contract-address] [--result-path] [--tempo-flex] [--duration-flex] [--transposition] [--velocity-scale]

This will retrieve the midi object from a deployed contract.

  • contract-name: name of the contract
  • contract-address: address of the deployed contract
  • result-path: path to the created midi file
  • tempo-flex: change the tempos by a certain basis point
  • duration-flex: change the duration of all notes in a MIDI file by a certain basis point
  • transposition: shift the pitch of all notes in a MIDI file by a certain number of semitones
  • velocity-scale: adjust the velocity of all notes in a MIDI file by a certain basis point


npx hardhat retrieveMidi --contractName midi-generated --contractAddress 0x... --resultPath example/result/example.mid --tempoFlex 5000 --durationFlex -5000 --transposition 2 --velocityScale 3050


If you have any comments, suggestions, or encounter any problems, please let me know. You can submit your feedback by creating an issue on this repository, or you can contact me on Twitter at @raphael_dkhn. Thank you for your support!
