ZKBoost Benchmark on Stone & Platinum

This repository provides benchmarks for XGBoost models across varying numbers of trees and depths.

XGBoost models have been serialized in serialized_models directory. To reproduce these models, refer to the Jupyter notebook. After reproducing, you can use Giza-CLI to transpile the serialized models into Cairo.

Performance Metrics

The table below summarizes the performance metrics for different configurations of the XGBoost model with two provers: Stone and Platinum.

Models are named following their configuration: number of trees and depth. For example, an XGBoost model with 5 trees and depth 4 is named xgb_t5_d4.

All benchmarks have been conducted on an e2-highmem-4 machine, equipped with an Intel Broadwell CPU on x86/64 architecture.

Model Steps (proof_mode) Proving (Stone) Verifying (Stone) Proving (Platinum) Verifying (Platinum)
xgb_t5_d4 8192 0m16.732s - 0.458224 GB 0m0.243s - 0.018632 GB 0m1.851s - 0.250984 GB 0m0.038s - 0.00554 GB
xgb_t5_d6 8192 0m16.067s - 0.465664 GB 0m0.294s - 0.023216 GB 0m2.275s - 0.251788 GB 0m0.037s - 0.005388 GB
xgb_t20_d6 32768 1m1.727s - 1.809264 GB 0m0.539s - 0.044592 GB 0m7.069s - 0.903456 GB 0m0.119s - 0.00964 GB
xgb_t70_d6 131072 4m9.207s - 7.066836 GB 0m1.163s - 0.104848 GB 0m29.017s - 3.49316 GB 0m0.465s - 0.0249 GB
xgb_t200_d4 131072 4m9.312s - 7.068941 GB 0m1.266s - 0.116316 GB 0m29.871s - 3.52598 GB 0m0.468s - 0.025004 GB


First, install Stone prover, to run the following commands.

To prove a model run the following command:

MODEL=t5_d4 #Change the model here
/usr/bin/time -v cpu_air_prover \
  --out_file=proofs/stone/xgb_${MODEL}_proof.json \
  --private_input_file=prover_inputs/xgb_${MODEL}/xgb_${MODEL}_private_input.json \
  --public_input_file=prover_inputs/xgb_${MODEL}/xgb_${MODEL}_public_input.json \
  --prover_config_file=prover_inputs/xgb_${MODEL}/cpu_air_prover_config.json \
  --parameter_file=prover_inputs/xgb_${MODEL}/cpu_air_params.json \

To verify a model, run the following command

MODEL=t5_d4 #Change the model here
/usr/bin/time -v cpu_air_verifier \
  --in_file=proofs/stone/xgb_${MODEL}_proof.json && echo "Successfully verified proof."

How to calculate FRI steps?

The number of steps affects the size of the trace. Such changes may require modification of cpu_air_params.json. Specifically, the following equation must be satisfied.

log₂(last_layer_degree_bound) + ∑fri_step_list = log₂(#steps) + 4

You can run the calculate_fri_step_list.py script to calculate the FRI step list for a given number of steps. For example, for a program with 8192 steps run the following command:

$ python calculate_fri_steps.py 8192
FRI Step List: [4, 4, 3]


First, install Platinum prover to run the following commands.

cargo install --features=cli,instruments,parallel --git https://github.com/lambdaclass/lambdaworks.git --rev fed12d6 cairo-platinum-prover

To prove a model run the following command:

MODEL=t5_d4 #Change the model here
/usr/bin/time -v platinum-prover prove \
prover_inputs/xgb_${MODEL}/xgb_${MODEL}_trace.json \
prover_inputs/xgb_${MODEL}/xgb_${MODEL}_memory.json \

To verify a model, run the following command:

MODEL=t5_d4 #Change the model here
/usr/bin/time -v platinum-prover verify \