
Primary LanguageRust


npm start


  • 2023-05-09
    • webpack static server (http-server don't refresh audioWorklet...)
    • bip audioWorkletProcessor with one parameter
  • 2023-05-10
    • sinus wave table with frequency control (param is a Float32Array when changed with exponentialRampToValueAtTime), with portamento.
    • start cycle sequencer class Cycle
  • 2023-05-10
    • tuto rust wasm-audio app (cf ../wasm-audio-app-tuto)
  • 2023-05-21
    • add wasm-audio directory with some dsp modules in rust
      • delay line
      • comb filter
      • allpass filter
      • one pole FIR filter
      • one pole IIR filter
    • build: cd wasm-audio && wasm-pack build --target web
    • tests: cd wasm-audio && cargo test
    • copy: mkdir public/wasm-audio && cp wasm-audio/pkg public/wasm-audio