
Tiny tray icon that displays whether your wifi and internet works

Primary LanguageJava

Is My Internet Broken?

Build Status


I am often working with my laptop. But sometimes my internet does not work. That's bad. But in reality it's not my internet, but the wifi connection that is flaky.

The fix is to repair the wifi connection in the first place.

A little system tray icon tells you exactly what is broken:

  • Your wifi (by pinging
  • Or your ISP (by pinging AND www.google.com)

What does the icon mean?

  • Internet works icon Congrats. All is fine.
  • Only router works icon Likely your ISP is broken. google.com can NOT be reached - but can be reached.
  • No internet icon Likely your wifi is broken. Neither nor www.google.com can be reached.

How stable is the software?

It is totally beta and uses a mix of user unfriendly technology. You have been warned.


  • Java 11
  • Mac OS X

Building and running

mvn package
java -jar ./target/ismyinternetbroken-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar