participant Main as Main Script
participant os as os
participant Agent as Agent
participant Task as Task
participant Crew as Crew
participant Process as Process
participant DuckDuckGoSearchRun as DuckDuckGoSearchRun
participant print as rich.print
Main->>os: Set OPENAI_MODEL_NAME environment variable
Main->>DuckDuckGoSearchRun: Instantiate search tool
Main->>Agent: Create researcher with role, goal, backstory, tools
Main->>Agent: Create writer with role, goal, backstory, tools
Main->>Task: Create task1 with description, expected_output, agent(researcher)
Main->>Task: Create task2 with description, expected_output, agent(writer)
Main->>Crew: Instantiate crew with agents and tasks
Crew->>Process: Define sequential process
Main->>Crew: kickoff()
Crew->>Agent: Assign task1 to researcher
Agent->>DuckDuckGoSearchRun: Use tool to perform research
Agent-->>Crew: Return analysis report
Crew->>Agent: Assign task2 to writer
Agent->>Agent: Use insights from researcher
Agent-->>Crew: Return blog post
Crew->>Main: Return result
Main->>print: Output result