
Eureka CMS prototype using 11ty static site builder and github actions

Primary LanguageJavaScript

layout title description hero heroCropMode heroColor
How to Publish Your Content
This post describes how to publish to this blog step by step

Want to Write for this Blog?

Follow these four simple steps and your content will be live before you know it.

1. Pick a Title, Description, and Hero Image

Open this GitHub Repository and click "Create new file"

Screenshot of creating a new file in the repository

Name your file something like my-first-blog-post.md. Make sure it ends in .md or else your content will not be procssed correctly. At the top of your file, copy and paste the following lines:

layout: blog.11ty.js
title: How to Publish Your Content
description: This post describes how to publish to this blog step by step
hero: https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1522675378431-f2c7406d4173?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&auto=format&fit=crop&w=2000
heroCropMode: bottom
heroColor: dark

This will create a special header for your blog post called the "Front Matter". The Front Matter specifies things like your blog layout, title, description, and banner image.

  • heroCropMode determines which part of the image to use. It can be bottom, top, or center
  • heroColor describes the over all color of your banner image and it can be light or dark. We will choose a foreground text color to maximize contrast and readability.
  • Try to choose a banner image that has relatively smooth colors and transitions.

You can check out the source code for this blog post for reference.

2. Write your Blog in Markdown

Next, write some Markdown and use the "Preview" button in the editor to preview your work. Here's a handy Markdown cheat sheet: https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/.

If you don't want to start from scratch, you can copy the Markdown for the content you're reading right now

Screenshot of naming and editing a new markdown file

3. Create a Pull Request

Once your blog post is ready, scroll to the bottom, write a message and description for your commit, and select "Create a new branch...". Then click "Propose new file"

Screenshot of proposing a new file

4. Relax

Our editors will review your content as soon as possible. If they request any changes, you will be notified via the Pull Request (so make sure you've enabled notifications!). Thank you for your contribution! Take the day off and go pet some animals.

Cute puppy