An API for your Kindle data.
Python bindings are provided but any language that can run the javascript
found in
from within a Kindle Cloud Reader session may easily access
this data.
- OS X (Homebrew)
brew install phantomjs
- Ubuntu (at least 14.04)
- Guide provided and maintained by @julionc here
import lector
api = lector.KindleCloudReaderAPI('my_amazon_username', 'my_amazon_password')
my_library = api.get_library_metadata()
book = my_library[0]
book_progress = api.get_book_progress(book.asin)
_, current_page, last_page = book_progress.page_nums
print 'Currently reading %s (Page %d of %d)' % (book.title, current_page, last_page)