
A python implementation to extract Shape DNA [1] of triangle surface meshes

Primary LanguagePython


A python implementation of the finite element discretization of the Laplace-Beltrami operator (LBO), following the steps presented in [1].


A 2-manifold triangle mesh as a Wavefront OBJ file.


The spectrum, i.e. eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the LBO of the input mesh.


[1] Reuter, M., Biasotti, S., Giorgi, D., Patane`, G. and Spagnuolo, M. [2009], ‘Discrete laplace–beltrami operators for shape analysis and segmentation’, Computers and Graphics 33(3), 381 – 390. IEEE International Conference on Shape Modelling and Applications 2009. URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0097849309000272