Sleep science, signal processing, machine-learning & statistics. Staff ML scientist, ŌURA. Former postdoctoral researcher, UC Berkeley.
ŌURALyon, France
raphaelvallat's Followers
- 1358467720
- 1nathanliangCornell University
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- anbaraNagaoka University of Technology
- av3natorMoscow
- bruAristimunhaFederal University of ABC
- dmaltAmsterdam, The Netherlands
- drzohaibhZhejiang Laboratory
- gmagannaDevelopLaBRI https://www.labri.fr/
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- harveybiForschungszentrum Juelich
- Ivan-Xu1874
- JasonDude16Washington University in St. Louis
- jvddGhent, Belgium
- MilleniumSpark
- NastyaPolt
- nbeuchatŌURA
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- NKM-MLSeattle, WA
- NoraJinxySZU
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- runesignGuilin University of Electronic Technology
- shirangiGE
- sjg2203Columbia University Irving Medical Center
- takazawaMeiji University
- talarkaroTübingen, Germany
- tczhangzhiThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
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- turkalpmdHacettepe University
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- Zhouyu0206