The best flat theme for Vim, Atom, Sublime Text, Jetbrains Editors, Terminal.app, iTerm, Xcode, Windows Terminal and XTerm
Vim Script
- 0
light version of the lucario theme
#81 opened by svin24 - 1
Support Emacs in color theme
#13 opened by porcow - 4
Support Brackets editor
#12 opened by raphamorim - 2
- 2
- 2
self, this, etc keywords
#36 opened by cesarvh - 5
Distribute with Vim?
#51 opened by chrisbra - 2
Support Kitty terminal emulator
#69 opened by israelst - 3
Add Windows Terminal to About section
#71 opened by kdb13 - 3
#30 opened by caiocutrim - 0
- 1
Different editors/terminals use different colors
#65 opened by folixg - 3
- 3
CSS style is not using Lucario colors
#60 opened by folixg - 2
add ZSH support
#16 opened by raphamorim - 3
Support Gnome-Terminal
#49 opened - 6
Support Visual Studio Code
#43 opened by gabrielmoreira - 1
atom deprecated
#45 opened by arxdsilva - 0
- 0
Deprecated selector in `Lucario/index.less`
#44 opened by anoopkcn - 2
Intellij missing
#41 opened by fsaina - 2
- 12
Support 256
#22 opened by felippenardi - 5
- 4
Atom: Something causes the gutter line numbers to disappear/reappear at random occasions
#34 opened by dsifford - 0
- 3
Target the selector `:host, atom-text-editor` instead of `.editor` for shadow DOM support.
#28 opened by J3Rik0 - 2
XML Theme error
#8 opened by perez-rich - 7
Difference between gVim and terminal vim
#10 opened by jriff - 1
Vim color scheme more than 256 colors
#9 opened by raphamorim - 1
Terminal supports (iTerm and terminal.app)
#7 opened by raphamorim - 2
Add to Sublime Package Control
#5 opened by willsoto - 1
Put color in markdown (atom)
#3 opened by raphamorim - 0
Finish VIM color scheme
#2 opened by raphamorim - 1
Logo doesn't show up on atom website
#4 opened by MoOx