
Sugarloaf is a simple cross-platform rendering engine.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Note: sugarloaf has moved into Rio terminal source code through cargo workspaces.

Sugarloaf is Rio rendering engine, designed to be multiplatform. It is based on WebGPU, Rust library for Desktops and WebAssembly for Web (JavaScript). This project is created and maintained for Rio terminal purposes but feel free to use it.

cargo run --example text

WASM Tests


Install wasm-bindgen-cli globally: cargo install wasm-bindgen-cli. wasm-bindgen-cli provides a test runner harness.

Running Tests

Run (in the root sugarloaf directory):

CARGO_TARGET_WASM32_UNKNOWN_UNKNOWN_RUNNER=wasm-bindgen-test-runner cargo test --target wasm32-unknown-unknown -p sugarloaf --tests

Flag explanation:

  • CARGO_TARGET_WASM32_UNKNOWN_UNKNOWN_RUNNER=wasm-bindgen-test-runner: Tells Cargo to use the test harness provided by wasm-bindgen-cli.
  • -p sugarloaf: Only run tests in the sugarloaf directory.
  • --tests: Only run tests; do not build examples. Many (possibly all) of the examples in sugarloaf/examples currently do not compile to WASM because they use networking.