
gRPC Dubbo Proxy

gRPC Dubbo Proxy, a gRPC gateway of Dubbo, switch from gRPC request to Dubbo protocol,then invoke Dubbo service and return to the result. relying on gRPC high performance and message compression, the message body is more smaller than Dubbo payload.


SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=product mvn clean spring-boot:run

Group and version is the mapping data in Dubbo service.

gRPC Protobuf:

syntax = "proto3";

option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.apache.dubbo.proxy.proto";
option optimize_for = SPEED;

package dubbo;

service ProxyService {
    rpc InvokeProxy (ProxyRequest) returns (ProxyReply) {}
message ProxyRequest {
	 string application = 1; //can be null
	 string interfaceName=2; // the dubbo service to invoke
	 string version = 3;     // the dubbo service version
	 string group = 4;       // group ,can be null
	 string method=5;        // method
	 repeated string types=6;//method parameter array
	 string values=7; //method value json array
message ProxyReply {
	string result=1;  //result json string

Get Started

NodeJS gRPC Client


Java gRPC Client



  • In the Dubbo 2.7 version and later updates versions, paramTypes is optional data, if not filled in, gRPC Dubbo Proxy would get related mapping data from metadata center.
  • You can set registry address and metadata center address in application-{profile}.yml
proxy.registry.address: zookeeper://   #registry center address, same as Dubbo service's 
proxy.metadata-report.address: zookeeper://  #metadata center address, used by paramType search, support for dubbo 2.7 or later