- 4
wrong label placement - compatibility issue?
#6 opened by afcuttin - 3
- 1
\tllabelcventry not working properly
#27 opened by stephane-archer - 0
Shaded start timeline
#26 opened by paulmenzel - 4
tllabelcventry is broken in 0.11
#24 opened by Trefex - 1
Labels over timelines edges
#23 opened by franciscorba - 1
- 0
Odd start/end label placement on short bars
#21 opened by brdvlps - 1
Undefined control sequence. \tlenablemakrsyr
#19 opened by paxter - 11
timeline with marks
#16 opened by NikoKrause - 9
- 2
CTAN still shows v0.9 as the latest version
#17 opened by ao2 - 1
Incompatibility with todonotes package
#10 opened by leezu - 7
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
#12 opened by natan97 - 1
- 3
Wrong placement of \tlcventry bar
#8 opened by Astrinus - 4
pgfkeys error
#2 opened by schlamar - 1
Possiblilty to change start and enddate
#5 opened by Megachip - 2
Additional Style for tlcventry?
#3 opened by xeraa