README ====== This directory should be used to place project specfic documentation including but not limited to project notes, generated API/phpdoc documentation, or manual files generated or hand written. Ideally, this directory would remain in your development environment only and should not be deployed with your application to it's final production location. Installing the zend framework ============================= Details at Add this line to /etc/apt/sources.list deb server non-free and install it with install aptitude install zend-server-ce-php-5.2 #or 5.3 Add the alias to command: alias zf='/usr/local/zend/share/ZendFramework/bin/' Setting Up Your VHOST ===================== Here's the virtual host config I used, my VirtualBox had ip I could then access the index controller on Listen *:10084 NameVirtualHost *:10084 <VirtualHost *:10084> ServerName DocumentRoot /home/rb/zend/quickstart/public/ SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV "development" <Directory /home/rb/zend/quickstart/public> DirectoryIndex index.php AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> </VirtualHost> Web console =========== A web console is available at http://localhost:10081/ Creating the database ===================== Install Sqlite3: apt-get install sqlite3 And create the database manually: sqlite3 data/db/guestbook.db At that time you can enter the sql queries on the CLI.