- 2
AndroidClassLoadingStrategy "load" method let dex file not be writen after jar deleted
#1722 opened by anonyein - 3
Warnings thrown in 1.15.5 during Serenity Cucumber Tests Initialisation
#1721 opened by ElvenSpellmaker - 12
Android sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory no found
#1720 opened by anonyein - 1
Java 24 support
#1715 opened by yeikel - 1
Don't Use Synchronization on a Method Parameter
#1714 opened by fazledyn-or - 1
Failed to load HotSpot VM
#1718 opened by glcanvas - 2
mockito-android:5.12.0 cannot mock class
#1695 opened by ttgdz - 2
ByteBuddyJarTask fails on multi-release JAR files
#1710 opened by LarsBodewig - 2
- 3
A lazy `TypePool` will change with type resolution and thus deviate from its initial configuration.
#1683 opened by dogourd - 3
- 12
Publish blocking
#1662 opened by pangdangdang - 4
How to call method self when use Advice
#1660 opened by twogoods - 1
Is `@Advice.SuperCall` supported? How can I call `super.originalMethod()` inside my instrumenting code?
#1664 opened by chickenlj - 4
- 4
Improve around advice to retransform loaded class
#1669 opened by eaglemartin - 1
Consultation on implementing a similar functionality to javassist's instrument feature.
#1673 opened by zhangzhen91 - 1 No classes have been predefined during the image build to load from bytecodes at runtime.
#1674 opened by wuxindao - 15
- 9
- 4
Can byte-buddy modify bytecode in parallel?
#1681 opened by 601724080 - 14
Java 17 reflection changes
#1682 opened by rupinder10 - 2
- 2
- 7
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- 9
not able to intercept java.lang package
#1690 opened by sagarvyass - 2
- 11
Byte buddy access to package protected class
#1694 opened by vishwastyagi - 3
[Question] Why would a new field var2 be added after replace field access with method?
#1697 opened by lucas-myx - 5
How to redefine dynamically created classes?
#1698 opened by cilfm - 7
Please help me check this issue. I use the inherited LaunchedURLClassLoader method in agentLauncher to load my lib package, and then inject the shared class into Bootstrap ClassLoader.
#1703 opened by biuifuture - 2
- 5
- 6
Redefinition fails with "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Illegal parameter name"
#1709 opened by mgroth0 - 2
Depreation warning when using ByteBuddy Gradle plugin
#1707 opened by vyazelenko - 1
Feature Request: ByteBuddyJarTask for multiple JARs
#1711 opened by LarsBodewig - 10
`Advice` issue
#1708 opened by xuhuanzy - 2
- 17
- 5
Questions about alternatives to the LocalVariablesSorter class obsoletization
#1691 opened by zhangzhen91 - 1
Multiple transformation issue with JMH benchmarks
#1686 opened by kavehshahedi - 1
EntryPoint property breaks gradle build
#1699 opened by breedx-splk - 2
How to invoke the method of injecting objects into a class?
#1696 opened by cilfm - 2
- 1
AIX J9 attachment fails because stat is not present.
#1667 opened by FelixMarxIBM - 2
Side effects of bytebuddy rebasing to weaving process?
#1665 opened by rage5474 - 5
- 4
"Set value cannot be assigned" when setting lambda to static field in type initializer
#1661 opened by LarsBodewig - 2