
Rapid Build UI · Base Mixin for all RB Web Components

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Rapid Build UI · Web Components · Base Mixin

Base mixin for all <rb-components>.

This is not a web component.
It is an internal module for all our web components.
Our consumable web components are prefixed with "rb-" example rb-button.


$ yarn add @rapid-build-ui/base

What's Included

How To Use

/* Example
import { RbBase, props, html } from '../../base/scripts/base.js';
import View                    from '../../base/scripts/public/view/directives.js';
import template                from '../views/rb-popover.html';

export class RbPopover extends RbBase() {
	// Lifecycle
	viewReady() { // :void
		super.viewReady && super.viewReady(); // line required
		this.rb.elms.trigger = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('.trigger');
		this.rb.events.add(this.rb.elms.trigger, 'click touchstart', this.toggle);
	// Event Handler
	toggle(e) { // :void
		this.showPopover = !this.showPopover;
	// Template
	render({ props, state }) { // :string
		return html template;



  • An object/hashmap to store component elements.
  • See how to use...


  • Properties
    • events :object (readonly, hashmap of active events)
  • Methods
    • add(elm(s), 'space separated events', callback[, opts]) :void
      • events are automatically removed in disconnectedCallback()
        • meaning, you don't have to call remove() or removeAll()
      • opts :{}
        • default options
        • opts.bind (custom):
          • undefined (binds to component, default)
          • false | null (binds to target elm)
          • elm (binds to supplied elm)
    • emit(elm, 'event' [, { detail: any } ]) :boolean
    • remove(elm(s), 'space separated events', callback) :void
    • removeAll([opts]) :void
      • opts :{}
        • opts.force (internal option) :boolean
          • forces events to be set to empty {}


  • Properties
    • events :object (readonly, hashmap of active host events)
  • Methods
    • add([event types]) :void
      • usually ran in component constructor
      • event types example: ['click', 'focus']
      • examples:
        • this.rb.events.host.add(['click']);
        • this.rb.events.add(this, 'click', this.rb.events.host.run);
    • remove([event types]) :void
      • event types example: ['click', 'focus']
    • removeAll() :void
    • run(event) :any (event :object | string)
      • runs event that was added via add()
      • supports promises (see isPending())
      • example: this.rb.events.host.run(event)
    • isPending(event) :boolean (event :object | string)
      • returns true if function returned a promise and it's pending


  • Properties
    • isReady :boolean (readonly, will be true when view is ready)

Callbacks (optional)


See how to use...
Executed once when view is ready and all its rb sub components views are ready.
Use when you need to make sure elements are accessible in the shadow dom.

Imports (optional)

guid service

  • Methods
    • create(maxLength = 12) :string (sometimes returns maxLength - 1 chars)
// Example
import Guid from '../../base/scripts/public/services/guid.js';
const guid = Guid.create();

property converters

All methods convert the attribute's value to a type and returns it.
The first param is the attribute's value which is always a string.

  • Methods
    • boolean(val) :boolean
    • valueless(val) :boolean
// Example
import Converter from from '../../base/scripts/public/props/converters.js';
class RbIcon {
	static get props() {
		return {
			spin: Object.assign({}, props.boolean, {
				deserialize: Converter.valueless

type service

  • Methods (is.methods() :boolean)
    • get(val) :string (returns val type)
    • is.array(val)
    • is.boolean(val)
    • is.function(val)
    • is.int(val)
    • is.null(val)
    • is.number(val)
    • is.object(val)
    • is.promise(val)
    • is.string(val)
    • is.stringArray(val)
    • is.undefined(val)
// Example
import Type from '../../base/scripts/public/services/type.js';
const isString = Type.is.string('rapid');

view directives

Returns an object of lit-html directives to be used in view.

// Example
import View from '../../base/scripts/public/view/directives.js';
<!-- Example (import View object in js, see "How To Use"): -->
		(hero, i) => html`<li>${i} ${hero}</li>`

Slot Mixin

Adds helpers onto this for working with slots.

  • Constructor

    • sets this.state.slots = {}
      • Which can be used for conditionals in the view.
  • Getters

    • this._hasLightDom :boolean (readonly)

    • this._lightDomSlotNames :{ [slotName]: boolean } (readonly)

      • An object/hashmap with the names of all the light dom slot names.
  • Methods

    • this._initSlotStates() :void

      • Run in viewReady().
      • Runs this._setSlotStates(this._lightDomSlotNames).
    • this._cleanLightDomWhitespace() :void

      • Mutates this.childNodes.
    • this._setSlotStates(slotNames={}) :void

      • Mutates this.state.slots.