
Validator tooling for InsightConnection integrations

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

InsightConnect Integrations Validators

pre-commit Code style: black Markdown Lint Unit testing

Tooling with a bundled suite of validator rules for ensuring quality across Rapid7 InsightConnect integrations.


pip install insightconnect-integrations-validators




icon-validate my_plugin_directory/


icon-validate my_plugin_directory/ --all

to run entire set of validators used in our CI. Omitting --all is often helpful when developing.


from icon_validator.validate import validate



validate("/path/to/plugin/directory", run_all=True)

to simulate the --all flag.


Contributions are welcome! This project utilizes black and pre-commit for handling code style. Simply follow the instructions for installing pre-commit and run pre-commit install in the repository after cloning and you will be on your way to contributing!


  • 2.47.19 - VersionBumpValidator - Fixed issue where validator failed if plugin contained no actions or triggers
  • 2.47.18 - HelpInputOutputValidator | SpecPropertiesValidator - Update to enable placeholder and tooltip validation | RuntimeValidator - Added SDK version validation
  • 2.47.17 - SpecPropertiesValidator - Added new excludeProduct field validator
  • 2.47.16 - HelpInputOutputValidator - Update error message from icon-plugin to insight-plugin | DockerValidator - Print full error message and change instances of icon-plugin to insight-plugin
  • 2.47.15 - TitleValidator - Change validator to print all issues rather than break on the first
  • 2.47.14 - OutputValidator - Fix issue where schema.py files from the venv folder were being validated
  • 2.47.13 - HelpInputOutputValidator - Fix validator to change single quotes to double quotes when an input field uses list values so that it does not break
  • 2.47.12 - VersionBumpValidator - update validation for connection versions| Updated GitPython to version 3.1.41.
  • 2.47.11 - Update PyYaml version to fix unrelated tooling installation bug.
  • 2.47.10 - HelpInputOutputValidator - Improved error messaging around invalid action/trigger/task headings
  • 2.47.9 - DockerfileParentValidator | CloudReadyValidator - update to support cloud plugins and SDK image with specified --platform flag | VersionBumpValidator - add validation for connection versions.
  • 2.47.8 - DockerfileParentValidator | RuntimeValidator - update supported SDK images | Updated GitPython to version 3.1.37
  • 2.47.7 - ConfidentialValidator - Changed email violation to a warning
  • 2.47.6 - Updated GitPython to version 3.1.32
  • 2.47.5 - Updated requests to version 2.31.0 | Updated GitPython to version 3.1.30
  • 2.47.4 - New help validator to handle Custom Types title
  • 2.47.3 - Fix HelpInputOutputValidator when output in plugin.spec.yaml not contain an example field | Fix validation when example contains list in object in HelpExampleValidator
  • 2.47.2 - Allow hyphens in WorkflowTitleValidator
  • 2.47.1 - Fix plugin spec properties validator for tasks
  • 2.47.0 - Add name validator to ensure plugin name conforms to standards
  • 2.46.4 - Fix InputOutputValidator so that it does not break on datetime input examples
  • 2.46.3 - Update version validator to check v2 api call
  • 2.46.2 - Fixed VersionValidator regex failing to validate x0.x.x semantic version strings
  • 2.46.1 - Add null variable check to example input validator
  • 2.46.0 - Add new help.md validator to ensure there are key features, links, and examples
  • 2.45.0 - Separated UseCaseValidator for workflows as plugins and workflows now have different usecase tags
  • 2.44.2 - Fixed (and tested) VersionBumpValidator on new plugin
  • 2.44.1 - Fixed VersionBumpValidator bug on new plugins
  • 2.44.0 - Update WorkflowTitleValidator to validate titles in .icon file
  • 2.43.2 - Fixed breaking change that caused VersionBumpValidator to not get remote changes, made code safer
  • 2.43.1 - Add GitPython dependency for using VersionBumpValidator
  • 2.43.0 - Add VersionBumpValidator to check if a major or minor version increment is needed
  • 2.42.0 - Add in WorkflowScreenshotValidator to check parenthesis in screenshot title
  • 2.41.1 - Exit with proper return codes when ran independently via CLI
  • 2.41.0 - Add SupportedVersionValidator
  • 2.40.0 - Add PythonScriptUseValidator for workflows
  • 2.39.0 - Add HelpExampleValidator | Improve EncodingValidator by printing all forbidden characters at one time
  • 2.38.0 - Remove LoggingValidator | Update dependency versions
  • 2.37.0 - Add UnapprovedKeywordsValidator | Add unit tests for AcronymValidator
  • 2.36.0 - Add CloudReadyValidator
  • 2.35.0 - Update DescriptionValidator to print list of missing description field | Update VersionPinValidator to not fail when git+ is in requirements.txt
  • 2.34.0 - Fix issue where WorkflowParametersKeywordValidator was not being called
  • 2.33.0 - Update HelpValidator to identify duplicate headings | Update ConfidentialValidator to allow more e-mail examples
  • 2.32.0 - Fix problem when ExampleInputValidator fail if in example field are 0, False or None | Update WorkflowHelpPluginUtilizationValidator to not fail when plugin not in help.md and in .icon file
  • 2.31.0 - Update UseCaseValidator to print valid use cases | Update UseCaseValidator to identify duplicate use cases in keywords
  • 2.30.0 - Add WorkflowParametersKeywordValidator
  • 2.29.0 - Remove Workflow Description Validator to validate that the workflow description in workflow .icon file matches the description in workflow.spec.yaml
  • 2.28.0 - Add Encoding Validators to look for problematic characters | Update Workflow Description Validator to validate existence of description in workflow .icon file | Update Workflow Description Validator to validate that the workflow description in workflow .icon file matches the description in workflow.spec.yaml | Update title_validation_list | Change error message in title_validator for capitalized word when it should not
  • 2.27.0 - Add CloudReadyConnectionCredentialToken Validator
  • 2.26.0 - Add Example Input Validator to validate if example field exist in plugin.spec | Remove Mitre from AcronymValidator
  • 2.25.0 - Add Version Pin Validator to validate if dependency versions are pinned in requirements.txt
  • 2.24.0 - Update validators to support validation of plugin tasks.
  • 2.23.0 - Add Plugin Validator to identify missing version bump
  • 2.22.2 - Fix incorrect detection of 'array' in help.md
  • 2.22.1 - Revise Workflow Screenshots Validator
  • 2.22.0 - Add workflow directory name and workflow file match validator | Fix incorrect detection of 'lowercase' numbers in filenames | Add additional words to title list
  • 2.21.2 - Fix issue where numeric words in a title would break the title validator
  • 2.21.1 - Update HelpInputOutputValidator to validate on new Example inputs
  • 2.21.0 - Add new runtime validator to align with 4.0.0 release of InsightConnect Python Plugin Runtime
  • 2.20.0 - Add plugin utilization workflow validator | Fix issue where numbers in screenshot titles would cause validation to fail
  • 2.19.0 - Add new example input to whitelist in SpecPropertiesValidator
  • 2.18.0 - Add .icon file validator
  • 2.17.2 - Fix to remove some common words from the profanity validator
  • 2.17.1 - Fix broken package import
  • 2.17.0 - Add workflow name validator, Bug fix for title filters
  • 2.16.2 - Fix title validator where it would fail on titles with numbers in it.
  • 2.16.1 - Fix profanity filters and title filters to pull from once place
  • 2.16.0 - Add workflow description validator
  • 2.15.0 - Fix issue in title validator, Add title validator for workflows, clean up requirements
  • 2.14.0 - Fix issue where InputOutput validator would fail when missing required key
  • 2.13.0 - Add screenshot validator
  • 2.12.0 - Add validator to check that .icon filenames do not contain spaces
  • 2.11.0 - Add PNG Hash validator
  • 2.10.0 - Refactor of validate.py. Updates the validate method to use ValidationException and rework print statements to clean up unit testing
  • 2.9.0 - Add unit testing support. Add support, workflow files, workflow vendor, workflow version, workflow changelog and workflow extension validators
  • 2.8.1 - Bug fix for URLValidator when opening files
  • 2.8.0 - Update ChangelogValidator to validate plugin's version history with latest version number | Update HelpInputOutputValidator error messaging
  • 2.7.0 - Add URL Validator
  • 2.6.9 - Update HelpInputOutputValidator to fix error messaging | Fix issue with HelpInputOutputValidator when help.md has action and trigger with same name
  • 2.6.8 - Docker Validator to run with -a command line argument | Helpful message on failure
  • 2.6.7 - Fix issue where OutputValidator was throwing error for plugins without any action
  • 2.6.6 - Fix issue where HelpInputOutputValidator was not extracting complete output section of an action or trigger
  • 2.6.5 - Update IconValidator to check for extension.png
  • 2.6.4 - Remove invalid "JQ" entry from the Acronym Validator
  • 2.6.3 - Update AcronymValidator and HelpValidator to skip validating example outputs of help.md
  • 2.6.2 - Syntax error bug fix in validator order
  • 2.6.1 - Fix issue where SSDEEP was listed as an acronym | Run the DockerValidator last
  • 2.6.0 - Update to support workflow's help.md validation
  • 2.5.0 - Add help input output validator
  • 2.4.0 - Update to turn off ConfidentialValidator in code | Revised use case list for UseCase Validator
  • 2.3.0 - Add changelog validator
  • 2.2.0 - Using argparse module to handle arguments and provide -h option
  • 2.1.6 - Fix issue where ID was an acronym
  • 2.1.5 - Fix issue where confidential validator was not checking against provided whitelist
  • 2.1.4 - Fix issue where confidential validator was triggering on remediated findings and updated formatting
  • 2.1.3 - Update Exception Validator to throw warning
  • 2.1.2 - Fix issue where resources validator would always raise an exception
  • 2.1.1 - Update RequiredKeysValidator to validate the correct products key and empty resources keys
  • 2.1.0 - Update Golang RegenerationValidator
  • 2.0.2 - Update HelpValidator to fix error messaging
  • 2.0.1 - Update UseCaseValidator valid use case list
  • 2.0.0 - Update Help Validator to use new help format | Update RequiredKeys Validator for new spec fields | Add validator rule: use case validation
  • 1.3.0 - Add --all flag to run entire set of validators, add Confidential Validator, Regeneration Validator clean up
  • 1.2.0 - Add regeneration validator jenkins support
  • 1.1.8 - Add regeneration validator
  • 1.1.7 - Remove false positive "SPAM" entry from the Acronym Validator
  • 1.1.6 - Improved Output validator
  • 1.1.5 - Remove Makefile validator rule, fix rules import
  • 1.1.4 - Move rules package inside icon_validator
  • 1.1.3 - Ignore unit test directories (/unit_test & /unit_tests) in Exception Validator
  • 1.1.2 - Fix for Acronym and Output validators
  • 1.1.1 - Removed breaking changes to Makefile validator
  • 1.1.0 - Add validator rules: check for help.md, profanity check, acronym capitalization check, print usage check, JSON tests, exceptions, credentials, passwords | Updated rules: Makefiles, logging
  • 1.0.0 - Initial release

PyPi.org link: https://pypi.org/project/insightconnect-integrations-validators/