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Free Code Camp Video Challenges

This is where we plan Free Code Camp's video challenges. Take a look at our open issues and join our in our Gitter room for more casual talk about contributing.

What are Video Challenges?

Video challenges are 2 minute-long videos that teach high-level concepts relevant to software development. Assumptions:

  • Viewers will watch these mostly by stumbling upon them in YouTube search. Thus they should be modular and make sense out of order.
  • Viewers will watch these on a mobile phone while commuting, so you should write text and draw diagrams as large as possible on the whiteboard.
  • Viewers will not take time to complete follow up tasks, like running code or reading additional articles. Assume the video is the only contact they will get with the content.

Current Video Challenges


  1. ![01: Help Wanted]( Help Wanted-000000.svg) These issues are open for anyone to work on.
  2. ![02: Scripting]( Scripting-000000.svg) This issue has been assigned to someone, who is currently working on a script.
  3. ![03: Recording]( Recording-000000.svg) This issue is currently being recorded or edited.
  4. ![04: Reviewing]( Reviewing-000000.svg) This issue is being reviewed by a mod e.g. @brianamarie, @Septimus, @atjonathan.
  5. ![05: Finalizing]( Finalizing-000000.svg) This issue is being finalized before being added to the main site.

How can I contribute?

  1. Look for issues with the label [01: Help Wanted]( Help Wanted).
  2. Check out these resources to get ready
  1. Create a pull request
  • Create a new branch with <yourusername-videoname>.
  • Propose a script as a markdown file
    • Create a new file labeled <> within the appropriate folder (scripts/<unit-title>/<>). If that folder doesn't exist yet, create one!
  • Save your changes and open a pull request comparing to master.
  1. Record your video
  • Set up a whiteboard and record your video
  1. In your pull request, add a link to your video and @-mention atjonathan and brianamarie.
  • You'll get feedback, and we'll work with you to help refine the video so we can include it on
  1. Open a PR in the Free Code Camp repository with your video links, scripts, and questions to get them added to the site

Sound too complicated? We can help! Don't be afraid to get started, and ask for help when you need it. ✨