
Java framework for rapid development of code-first GraphQL service and client applications

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Rapid GraphQL

Rapid GraphQL is a Java framework for rapid development of graphql service in the so called code-first approach. In this approach GraphQL schema is derived automatically from the code.

Most other Java frameworks choose schema-first approach in which first schema is designed first and then code should be written to match the schema. Schema-first approach, although being more declarative, complicates development by requiring constant synchronization between the schema and code. Code generation is used by some frameworks to simplify this synchronization, but it introduces other issues.

Fast start guide

Rapid GraphQL framework is based on the spring boot framework and GraphQL Java Kickstart (https://www.graphql-java-kickstart.com/) It doesn't require graphql schema files, and it automatically creates graphql endpoint (and graphiql if needed) Since version 2.x.x supporting Java 17.

Hello World

As in every spring application create an GraphQLApplication.java class:

public class GraphQLApplication {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		SpringApplication.run(GraphQLApplication.class, args);


Then create HelloWorldQuery.java

public class HelloWorldQuery implements GraphQLQueryResolver {
    public String helloWorld() {
        return "Hello World!!";

To have graphiql running please add following configuration to the application.properties file

# to enable exception mapping add

In pom.xml you should add following dependencies:

        <dependency> <!-- Recommended -->

That's it, hello world graphql application is ready. You can go to http://localhost:8080/graphiql

Supported Concepts

Queries & Types

Schema is automatically generated from multiple Query Resolvers -> Query type, and Types and Type Resolvers, e.g:

class Query1 implements GraphQLQueryResolver {
    public String helloWorld() {
        return "Hello World!!";

class User {
    String name;

class Query2 implements GraphQLQueryResolver {
    public User hello(String name) {
        return new User(name);

class UserResolver implements GraphQLResolver<User> {
    public String greeting(User user) {
        return "Mr. " + user.getName();

Following schema would be generated:

type Query {
    helloWorld: String
    hello(name: String): User

type User {
    name: String
    greeting: String

Mutations and input types

Input types are detected automatically if type appears as function parameter.

class UserInput {
    String name;
class MyMutation implements GraphQLQueryResolver {
    User addUser(UserInput user) {
        return new User(user.getName());

Generates following schema:

input UserInput {
    name: String
type Mutation {
    addUser(user: UserInput): User


class MySubscription implements GraphQLSubscriptionResolver {

    public Publisher<Integer> hello(DataFetchingEnvironment env) {
        return Flux.range(0, 100)
    private Integer fun(Integer i) {
        Integer result = i*10;
        log.info("result={}", result);
        return result;

Not Null & Deprecated

class MyQuery implements GraphQLQueryResolver {
    @GraphQLDeprecated("Use hi instead")
    public @NotNull String hello(@NotNull String name) {
        return "hello " + name;


public class FilmCharacter {
    private String name;

class Human extends FilmCharacter{
    Float height;

class MyQuery implements GraphQLQueryResolver {
    public @NotNull List<@NotNull FilmCharacter> characters(@NotNull String name) {
        return List.of(new Human());

Data Loaders

Rapidgraphql simplifies a lot usage of dataloaders, all you need is to implement batchload method like following:

public class ProductDataLoader extends GraphQLMappedBatchLoader<String, Product> {
    private final ProductRepository productRepository;
    public Map<String, Product> syncLoad(Set<String> products) {
        return productRepository.findAndMapById(products);

// Use data loader in your code in the following way:

public class OrderResolver implements GraphQLResolver<Order> {
    // Other methods
    private final ProductDataLoader productDataLoader;

    public CompletableFuture<Product> product(Order order, DataFetchingEnvironment env) {
        return productDataLoader.get(order.getProduct(), env);

Dataloaders support valueCache, futureCache (used to handle completed futures of entities) as well as scheduled DataLoaders see examples in DataLoaderRegistryFactoryTest class

Rapid GraphQL client

Rapidgraphql contains Feign inspired implementation of GraphQL client, which cal be as simple as:

interface TestApi {
    Integer intValue(Integer val);
    Long longValue(Long val);
    String longValue(String val);
    List<String> stringList(List<String> val);
    String throwException(String message);
    class MyData {
        Integer a;
        Integer b;
    @GraphQLMutation("{{a b}}")
    MyData createData(Integer a, Integer b, @HttpHeader String xRequestId, @Bearer String token);

TestApi testApi = RapidGraphQLClient.builder()
        .target(TestApi.class, "http://localhost:" + randomServerPort + "/graphql");

Following mvn dependency should be added:


In addition to rapid-graphql work properly the -parameters flag of java compiler should be enabled. In maven project it can be done using mvn-compiler plugin:

                <source>17</source> <!-- Set your Java version -->
                <target>17</target> <!-- Set your Java version -->

Caching of parsed queries

To improve performance caching of parsed queries was introduced in version 2.2.0 The cache size can be configured using following property:


Exposing REST API as graphql

rapidgraphql allows easily to expose existing REST APIs as GraphQL The simplest way to do it is to use feign rest client as follows:

public interface RestClient extends GraphQLQueryResolver {
    @RequestLine("GET /api/v1/products/")
    List<Product> products();
    @RequestLine("GET /api/v1/customers/")
    List<Customers> products();
// Create Feign client bean as follows:
public GraphQLQueryResolver restClient() {
    JacksonDecoder jacksonDecoder = new JacksonDecoder();
    return Feign.builder()
            .client(new OkHttpClient())
            .encoder(new JacksonEncoder())
            .logger(new Slf4jLogger(RestClient.class))
            .options(new Request.Options(
                    connectTimeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, readTimeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, true
            .target(RestClient.class, restServerUrl);
