
Redis scripting for node_redis

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Patch redis script commands into node-redis prototype. Does not assume node-redis
has been patched with scripting support so can use the standard version.

	Redis scripting branch, https://github.com/antirez/redis/tree/scripting

Install from github or with:

    npm install redis-lua

To use add lua support to redis module:

    redis = require('redis');

Add some redis scripts:

    redis.lua('myset', 2, 'return redis.call("set", KEYS[1], KEYS[2])');

If you want to return a javascript object add a 4th truthy parameter:
    redis.lua('hashtest, 0, 'return redis.call("hgetall", "something")', true);

And call like a regular redis command:

    r = redis.createClient();
    r.myset('testing', 'surprise', redis.print);

The lua script is passed by eval first time and evalsha subsequently
with fallback to eval.