- Yii::app()->input -> Yii::$app->request
- $session->add() -> $session->set()
- Yii::app() -> Yii::$app
- All files must be used to use namespace in YII2.
- addCondition function in YII1 should be replaced with where function in YII2.
- Model relations must be updated since they use new format now.
- Find by PK must be replaced when quering the database eg: SViews::model()->findByPK($id); -> SViews::findOne($id);
- Primary key is different in yii1 and yii2. YII1: public function primaryKey() { return 'name'; } YII2: public $primaryKey = 'ListingID';
- Specifing the table need to be static method instead of non static in Yii1.
- CJSON::encode -> yii\helpers\Json::encode()
- Html::dropDownList is using different syntax. You need to add 'id' options manually.
- Yii1 loads under root but Yii2 loaded in web.
- All caching logics need to be rewritten.
- YiiMailMessage must be replace with new mail classes
- ext.EPhpThumb.EPhpThumb has be replaced with Image::thumbnail($newFilePath, 160, 160)->save('path_to_new_file', ['quality' => 80]);