
PHP 8.0 for development and production usage. With nginx, brotli, xdebug, JIT and more...

Primary LanguageDockerfile


PHP 8.0 for development and production

This image is transitioning from a simple dev image to a more configurable and extensible image
Therefore it is currently being pushed into two different docker repositories:
(old:) https://hub.docker.com/r/chrisb9/php8-nginx-xdebug
(new:) https://hub.docker.com/r/chrisb9/php8

The Images:

There are three image configurations in two different types:

Image Type Image Variant With nginx
Alpine dev and prod yes
Debian dev and prod yes
CLI dev and prod no

current features

  • nginx based image: nginx with brotli and http2 enabled
  • dev image: php 8.0 ✨ (with xdebug, opcache, ffi, and jit enabled by default)
  • prod image: php 8.0 ✨ (with opcache, and jit enabled by default)
  • dev image: xdebug 3.0 (set to profile, debug and develop-mode)
  • dev image: pcov
  • composer v2.0 (composer 1.0 has been removed)
  • bash (with auto-completion extension and colored)
  • webp and image-optimizers
  • mariadb support
  • cli image: no fpm and no nginx preinstalled - this is your smaller variant, not based on alpine (yet)


  • mongodb support
  • apache-based image
  • easier extension installation
  • tideways profiler with perf-tools enabled

This repository does only provide Dockerfiles for php 8.0 and upwards.
If there is enough traction, I might add PHP 7.4 too (or feel free to add it)


If docker socket has been mounted as a volume into the container,
then each startup checks the availability of the docker command and if not available installs it.

Note: This is currently only available in alpine images: WIP

xdebug settings:

Some xdebug settings have been preconfigured, such as:

  • xdebug.mode=profile,develop,coverage
  • xdebug.client_port=9003
  • xdebug.discover_client_host=1
  • xdebug.idekey=PHPSTORM

Through the environment-variable XDEBUG_HOST the client_host can be changed on login

xdebug tools:

  • xdebug-enable enabled xdebug and restarts php
  • xdebug-disable disables xdebug and restarts php

testing this dockerfile:

just run git clone && docker-compose up -d
then open up your browser and go to this container.

in the app-folder are two files index.php and Test.php. They are meant as a playground to test the newest features of php 8.0

