
Weird issue with admin user listing

bryanrscott opened this issue · 3 comments

I am only reporting this at the moment in case someone else comes across. Not sure if just my setup (I am running latest versions of all modules)

I was getting weird error on the admin user listing page. essentially a 500 error. the correction was to remove the single quote from a comment ie change from

// It's not the person logged in


// It is not the person logged in

in the file https://github.com/rappasoft/laravel-boilerplate/blob/master/resources/views/backend/auth/user/includes/actions.blade.php
on line 58.

Now that is a pretty simple change. I am just not sure if an issue with my config or boilerplate.

Hmm that's weird that comment shouldn't make any difference even if it is on the same line.

Happy to close nobody else seems to have it.

Sounds good I'll keep an ear out!